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Post #1152522

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Rate 'The Last Jedi' (NO SPOILERS) (was: Rate TFA (NO SPOILERS))
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Date created
2-Jan-2018, 7:08 AM

I wanted to give TLJ a 0/100 but thought rationally that it at least deserved something for getting the visuals and sound of SW correct and so raised it up 5. This rating is also only in respect to the other SW movies, not all movies. To give you some further context, here is a quick rating of the other films:

TESB - 98/100
SW/ANH - 95/100
ROTJ - 85/100
R1 - 82/100
TFA - 75/100
ROTS - 40/100
TPM - 38/100
AOTC - 20/100
TLJ - 5/100

I was given a scale to work with that wasn’t related to anything else so I’ve only applied it to SW films and how I compare them against each other. Seeing that TLJ essentially kills SW for me, I think the rating is warranted. In my view, it is a terrible SW film and did far worse damage to the SW universe than the PT ever did.

It might as well be Rian Johnson’s fan film from the way I see it though knowing it is official and Disney signed off on it is why my SW journey ends with this movie.
