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Post #1151085

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The Last Jedi: Official Review and Opinions Thread ** SPOILERS **
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Date created
30-Dec-2017, 4:16 PM

Mocata said:

lovelikewinter said:
I’d have rather he said Palpatine. However, I’m thankful we didn’t get Hayden Christensen in this, so he’s not going to be in the Trilogy unless JJ pulls a 180 on his ideas of the Prequels.

He should have said that the Jedi were so blind that a simple senator took power, it be more powerful and less … cringey. Now we have to consider that Luke caught up with friends for a drink after the war in that 1950s diner.

That might have been less annoying to everyone who wants the prequels to cease to exist, but Disney likes making money off that trilogy too. 😉
I still don’t get why people have issues with Dexter’s diner. We had a sleazy bar in the first film. They probably have fast food in the GFFA too. Sentient beings like to go out to eat, no matter what galaxy they’re in.