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Post #1150412

Disney Ruined Star Wars
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The Last Jedi: Official Review and Opinions Thread ** SPOILERS **
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Date created
29-Dec-2017, 1:23 PM

dahmage said:

Disney Ruined Star Wars said:

Another criticism is the tonal problems. The prequels had the same problems with tone. Really not even considering the gravity of certain moments and jumping straight to buffoonery or bathroom jokes. There is a lot of that in TLJ and also talk about how bad the Jedi are.

Honestly this movie felt like an homage to the prequels and was even worse than them. TFA was at least much better.

Just going to go ahead and share something i have been thinking lately. Have you noticed how with every new SW movie there seems to be a small contingent who say “At least X was better” where X is the film out right before this one? its a sliding window. First, TFA was bad, at least the prequels were better. Rogue One was bad, at least TFA was better. TLJ was bad, at least TFA/RO was better…

so there are at least some people who just struggle taking in new films… doesn’t make the new film bad.

That could be the case but I never thought TFA was worse than the prequels. TLJ is though.

DominicCobb said:

Disney Ruined Star Wars said:

Another criticism is the tonal problems. The prequels had the same problems with tone. Really not even considering the gravity of certain moments and jumping straight to buffoonery or bathroom jokes. There is a lot of that in TLJ and also talk about how bad the Jedi are.

Honestly this movie felt like an homage to the prequels and was even worse than them. TFA was at least much better.

The only reason jokes were a tonal problem in the PT was because they were aimed squarely at children, although they were not necessarily things children actually found funny. TLJ just makes normal jokes, and they’re funny jokes. PT jokes aren’t jokes, they’re Lucas’s approximation of jokes. So they’re not funny and don’t fit in at all.

I disagree with this. Comedy and tone are different. Maybe they are sometimes related I guess. But comedy is more subjective. If you think something is funny who can argue you with you? For me, I didn’t find almost anything in this movie funny and it didn’t feel like Star Wars humor either. I’ve seen a lot of people agree.

But tone is more objective. It’s not really about whether something is aimed at children. RLM had some great examples in their prequel criticism videos. I wonder if they will do the same on this movie. It really did feel like watching Attack of the Clones to me.