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Post #1150376

Disney Ruined Star Wars
Parent topic
The Last Jedi: Official Review and Opinions Thread ** SPOILERS **
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Date created
29-Dec-2017, 12:26 PM

oojason said:

Disney Ruined Star Wars said:

Possessed said:

This meme or whatever you call it is dumb. Obi-Wan didn’t tell Luke: “hey you’re Dad was an asshole and the Jedi deserve to die.” Yoda never told Luke: “there is no dark side or light side. the jedi were arrogant and wrong”.

The people who defend these ST movies are no different than the people who defend the prequels. Mental gymnastics and totally ignoring the spirit of the original movies. But hey look it’s Darth Mual with his cool double bladed lightsaber. Er…I mean look it’s Porgs and Kylo Ren with a saber handle! It’s Star Wars duh!

If that is your attitude - then why are you here? To bait or antaognise those on here that do like these films? If so your stay here is going to be a short one.

Since I’m new here, can you point out which rule I violated that deserved you to threaten me? I read through them…

  1. My post was on topic about the movie and the franchise in general.
  2. I didn’t attack anyone.
  3. I didn’t use any profanity.
  4. I don’t have a signature.
  5. I didn’t make an image-only post.
  6. I did not harass anyone.
  7. I didn’t make any personal attacks, let alone the ones listed.
  8. I don’t have a sock account, I’m new here.

I can’t see any reason you would threaten me except you don’t like my point of view. I wasn’t aware that was against the rules.