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Post #1148973

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Dom's Useless Prequel Edits
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Date created
26-Dec-2017, 4:16 PM

Thanks guys

Collipso said:

DominicCobb said:

snooker said:

The music is great, but I think that as soon as it starts to ramp up the intensity you should make it a little quieter because Yoda gets kind of hard to hear.

Yeah, I’ll probably try a different mix and post it sometime soon.

Alright, now for my biggest change (easily my most radical edit idea for any of these). As far as I know, I’ve never seen anyone do this (correct me if I’m wrong), but when I decided to make an edit, I came to realize this is something I’d have to do.

When I was a kid, the Order 66 sequence really worked for me. I don’t know why, probably because I was familiar with all the Jedi characters from the animated Clone Wars and a couple books I’d read (and from my own adventures with their action figures) and also probably because John Williams owns it (as usual). Problem is, you have to take the films on their own, and in that case, the music and the emotion of the whole montage is way out of whack with our investment in these non-characters. Plus, I feel like cutting around to random planets that we’ve never seen before is rather un-Star Wars. Basically, the sequence had to go.

So, without further rambling, here’s my rough radical edit of the Order 66 “montage” (not so much anymore) with a couple music changes thrown in:
pw: rots

Added bonus: the Jedi don’t all die in one day

I like it, but I have a soft spot for the march on the Jedi temple Song, so I’m not sure how I feel about that part.

Understandable, it’s a great cue and works well in the scene. However, in my mind, it had to go. First because it’s the second time we heard that track in the film (trying to reduce this kind of repetitive tracking), and second because this is the birth of Vader - let’s hear his march.

The rest was great, but the original music is still heard when we transition back to the Jedi temple and to Kashyyk, but I’m pretty sure you know it already and that it’ll be fixed. Great job! (love the color correction)

Yeah I’ll have to completely recreate the sfx in the temple. The idea with Kashyyyk is that it ultimately blends in with the existing music, though I’ve cleaned up this transition a bit since I posted that clip.