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Post #1148084

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The Last Jedi: Official Review and Opinions Thread ** SPOILERS **
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Date created
24-Dec-2017, 9:06 AM

DrDre said:

oojason said:

It’ll be interesting to see members’ views after Episode IX is released and we’ve all had time to take in the Sequel Trilogy as a whole.

As of right now, a lot of the differing and passionate opinions on here and throughout the various threads… may well change upon completion and reflection of seeing everything in the ST tied together - as a trilogy in itself, and as part of the whole saga overall.

Two down, one to go… 😃

That’s an interesting question indeed. Aside from the ST, I think it’s also interesting to consider how the ST will connect to the rest of the saga. It is meant to be part of a nine part saga afterall. I’m a bit skeptical, but TLJ does make it impossible for Abrams to create ROTJ 2.0, so it may turn out to be the greatest setup in the history of Star Wars.

Cough… six part saga… cough… (9 if you wish to count the Ewok films and Holiday Special) 😉

I fully agree with you re JJ and ROTJ 2.0 now - the setup is all there… bring it on 😃