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Post #1147930

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The Last Jedi: Official Review and Opinions Thread ** SPOILERS **
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Date created
23-Dec-2017, 8:33 PM

DominicCobb said:

Valheru_84 said:

DominicCobb said:

People realize how easy it is to “fly” in space right? You don’t have to to be Superman or Mary Poppins. It’s space. People realize this, right? Right?

If you’re going to remind people how space actually works then you need to explain how she didn’t die from it’s vacuum, how they opened the door she appeared at without decompressing that entire area and shooting Leia back out into space. Why was Rose’s sister not in a space suit when in the bomber bay that was exposed to space? Why did the bombs drop as if reacting to gravity?

If you’re watching Star Wars for accurate space physics then you’re watching the wrong movie. Might as well edit out all the sounds and explosions from all the other films if that’s the way you feel about it.

That’s exactly the point I was making.

DominicCobb said:

These are all obvious plot holes anyway but regardless of the fairly casual approach to space facts in its sci-fi that SW normally takes, these are all stepping far beyond the edge of plausibility and straight into suspension of disbelief zone for anyone with the simplest knowledge of how things work in space.

I just don’t see how you can argue a point (so snidely / sarcastically as well) by calling out the obviousness of how easy it would be to move yourself in space with the force but then ignore the in-your-face issues applying such logic creates for so many other areas of the movie and from someone that says it’s a great movie…


Plot holes are the lowest form of criticism. One of the worst things about the internet is it thinks you can judge the quality of a movie based on how many plot holes it has (blame Cinemasins, I suppose). That’s wrong.

If they’re big and obvious enough they can very well ruin a movie. In this case they don’t directly impact the story and are very minor quibbles alongside the real issues with this movie. I was just pointing out that if you’re going to argue from a point of logic and fact in regards to how things work in space, you have to acknowledge the other things that aren’t correct in the movie which follow the theme of inconsistency and forgetting the rules when it suits.

DominicCobb said:
Also, I’m snarky/sarcastic about everything. That’s just who I am.

Fair enough, don’t be surprised though when people reply in kind or are rightly agitated by your tone if it’s not warranted.
