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Revenge of the Sith (The New Canon Cut) [ON HOLD INDEFINITELY] — Page 8


I really like this edit! Its very ambitious indeed!

I have one question though, will this fanedit be universal enough to be fit in with other edits of I and II? If not, are you going to edit those two movies as well?

this post has been edited.


Wow, I’m really sorry guys, I’m just so slammed with school and girls that I forget about this a lot, or it’s just too much to deal with 100%. Especially when I don’t stand completely by the cut that is available, and I don’t have time to render a newer version. xP

I’ll try to respond to feedback and link requests, but I’m just one college kid, and I underestimated how interested people would be in this edit. I mean. It’s a lot. All in all, I’m glad you guys actually really like it, but I’m going to need to carve out some time at Thanksgiving to put a bow on it, and try to submit/get on .info.

On doing TPM and AotC, I have ideas, but I’m not sure if they would be drastically different from other edits of said films. I’m leaning towards RotS!TNCC being universal enough to fit with the original theatrical cuts…? But we’ll see.

Andor: The Rogue One Arc

not a Jedi apologist or a Jedi hater but a secret third thing


Hey man, I get real life getting in the way, believe me. I’ve been meaning to give your edit another rewatch and take more detailed notes for you this time, but work has been screwing me over so much (three 72h weeks and one 84h week in the last month, all night shift) I haven’t had time.

I’m doing a one-movie-a-week rewatch of the saga starting tomorrow, so when I get to ROTS I’ll pop in your edit (using HAL’s for I and II) and take notes during.

Good luck with all your school stuff, and don’t rush the project just to get it out there - take your time and do it right, and try not to let it get in the way of real life!


This project sounds awesome and the clips you’ve posted look great, I can’t wait to see the finished project! In the meantime I need to trackdown L8wrtr’s Shadow of the Sith and the latest version of Hal9000’s The Approaching Storm in BD formats so I have some solidly edited versions of eps 1 and 2 to lead into your version of ep 3.


NFBisms said:

Wow, I’m really sorry guys, I’m just so slammed with school and girls that I forget about this a lot, or it’s just too much to deal with 100%. Especially when I don’t stand completely by the cut that is available, and I don’t have time to render a newer version. xP

I’ll try to respond to feedback and link requests, but I’m just one college kid, and I underestimated how interested people would be in this edit. I mean. It’s a lot. All in all, I’m glad you guys actually really like it, but I’m going to need to carve out some time at Thanksgiving to put a bow on it, and try to submit/get on .info.

On doing TPM and AotC, I have ideas, but I’m not sure if they would be drastically different from other edits of said films. I’m leaning towards RotS!TNCC being universal enough to fit with the original theatrical cuts…? But we’ll see.

Will this come out next year if so are you also color correcting it and can you make a high dynamic range version.


There’s no point in HDR if the source doesn’t have the color range.


Here’s a suggestion Replace the you will try with you and if you are not with me then you are my enemy with you don’t know what I have to do to end the clone war and take lines from the clone wars because you see his back side


Except the voice doesn’t match at all, which would be very distracting.


Here’s another suggestion dub over anakin it doesn’t make sense how he went from clone wars anakin to Hayden Christian


Well, why don’t you make an edit where you dub over Anakin?


ChainsawAsh said:

Well, why don’t you make an edit where you dub over Anakin?

I am I’m using a couple of things my voice Matt Lanter clone wars lines and Sam witner Starkiller


Then why are you demanding that other people do the same for their own edits?


“Do this!”
“That won’t work, and here’s why.”
“Then do a ridiculous amount of extra work to force it to fit!”

That’s pretty much what I got from our exchange. Seemed pretty demanding and not very much like a suggestion to me.


ChainsawAsh said:

“Do this!”
“That won’t work, and here’s why.”
“Then do a ridiculous amount of extra work to force it to fit!”

That’s pretty much what I got from our exchange. Seemed pretty demanding and not very much like a suggestion to me.

Sorry I typed it up at 6:00 am so I wasn’t thinking on how to word it


NFBisms how’s the edit coming along?


Wow! I loved the way you made them both jump one right after the other. Not entirely sure about the audio pieces though.


Removing the high ground is ALWAYS a good thing. I understand your thinking about the situation due to the original line in ROTJ.

however, I think at this time Obi Wan has already lost hope in Anikan. I personally don’t think that extra line is needed or at least does not fit quite right. That’s just my opinion.

“Because you are a PalpaWalker?”


I love the idea of changing any of the dialogue throughout this battle as almost all of it is garbage. (I also heavily agree with you on having them jump at almost the same time.) I’m not too sure that particular line fits but I do love how you spliced it in with the video near perfectly.

EDIT: Oh lol I didn’t see there were two videos posted. As for the opening one, I like the idea of some of it, I just think it needs some reordering. I’d remove Anakin telling Obi-Wan not to ‘turn against me’ as that line doesn’t really make any sense. Also, I’m not sure Obi’s ‘Come back to the light!’ line works either, (not once in the entire prequel trilogy does anybody actually mention the light side as an actual thing) however, I’d keep Anakin’s ‘It’s too late. You’re too late.’ line and just have him say it while the shot is on him as his back is turned. Then you can cut to Obi-Wan when he gets his saber out.


So, the last half of this edit on my timeline is now very different than the original version most people have seen. Essentially, I felt like the pacing was very off once Anakin became Vader. There’s a lot of build up and then the rest of movie wraps up in like 45 minutes. And, overall there’s not a whole lot of excitement. Before I finalize it, it’d be nice to know what people think about these new changes:

  • New crawl, with capitalized letters for the factions and better wording/grammar. Letters also aren’t so spread apart.

  • Various new extra voice clips, or different voice clips added throughout to make characters seem more like people. Things like Anakin saying “Come on, buddy” to R2, or Obi-Wan and Anakin actually laughing together. The usual with this edit.

  • The ending I had devised with the voice over and finishing notes of Vader breathing, is now gone. I’ve just decided to end like the original cut, minus Padme’s dying words and everything Vader says or does after “Yes, master.” The ending I had come up with just seemed a little too hacked together and ended the movie way too quickly. Besides, it seems like the theatrical ending of RotS is generally considered pretty good.

  • Yoda wookiee goodbye and fight to get into the temple reinstated just to pad things out for more balanced pacing. Overall, I just also kind of like the feeling of “the Republic’s final days” that these better help establish. These kind of hype up the end, with a goodbye, and just more visuals of Order 66’s aftermath. I cut out the excessive wookiee noises and Yoda only addresses Tarful and not Chewie. So it can still be a random wookiee.

  • Since this a TCW adherent edit, Yoda using a lightsaber isn’t a huge deal. I re-added Yoda vs Sidious, just L8WRTR’s cut down version. The movie needed more action and excitement. Obi-Wan and Yoda still don’t plan together to take out Vader and Palps tho; Obi-Wan isn’t told to kill Anakin, and I added dialogue before and during their duel to facilitate that he doesn’t want to. It’s also been pointed out to me that the duel destroying the Senate Hall is pretty symbolic of the end of the Republic and is pretty okay pay off for the trilogy.

  • The Chosen One schpiel by Obi-Wan at the end, even if I don’t particularly care for what it’s saying, has some good emotion from both Hayden and Ewan, that I feel was lost in the cut down version. So that’s been put back in.

I think for sure this will be the last version. So. Yeah. If you disagree with any of this, or have any extra thoughts…

I’ll be doing Attack of the Clones after, since I actually have ideas for it now. Like this one, the focus will be on making the characters actually seem like likeable people who have real relationships, and not just purely cutting out the “bad stuff.” That said, if any bad stuff has to stay, it’ll definitely be re-edited to be less stupid.

In terms of a personal edit trilogy, I think by the end, Octorox’s TPM edit should fit fine with my AotC and RotS.

Andor: The Rogue One Arc

not a Jedi apologist or a Jedi hater but a secret third thing


Color me interested, and then tickle me pink, then elmo.

Order not mandatory.


I’ve been loving the work you’ve been doing so far. I can’t wait to see this new version. I definitely agree with your changes to the edits ending the original didn’t quite work for me either.