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Post #1147683

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The Last Jedi: Official Review and Opinions Thread ** SPOILERS **
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Date created
23-Dec-2017, 5:39 AM

DrDre said:

Here’s “the guy” again, who’s actually a fantasy writer, with his spoiler review of TLJ:


This was a good watch, I found his other video “The Last Jedi: A hate letter to Star Wars and it’s fans” to be even better and in just the first 2-3 minutes he pretty much nails the major issue with TLJ (though the whole video is a good watch):


I really sympathised with the guy in the below video as well who despite some rather insulting applications of various expletives a few times throughout (and one use of the r word), feels like he is really just pouring out his heartfelt rage and disappointment at what Rian Johnson and Disney have done to SW with TLJ. It is a rant, but a well articulated one in which he touches on many of the major issues quite well. Listening to it actually helped me a bit in recognising and dealing with the anger I’ve had building in me since watching TLJ and reading all the various reviews and opinions on it since, many that I have really resonated with and helped me to understand what I feel is wrong with the movie. I really despise what RJ and Disney have done in TLJ and hate them for the fact that it means the end of SW for me from here on:

