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Post #1147327

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The Last Jedi : a Fan Edit Ideas thread
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Date created
22-Dec-2017, 1:51 PM

DominicCobb said:

MalàStrana said:

darthrush said:

Collipso said:

Collipso said:

ChainsawAsh said:

I just realized that the (non-) reveal of Rey’s parents begs for more edits to TFA. The one that sticks out to me is Rey and BB-8’s exchange:

“Classified? Me too, big secret.”

Yeah, that line is insulting now. I’m sure other “hints” need to be cut back now too, I’d have to rewatch TFA again though.

I think maybe cut when Han is about to tell Maz who’s the girl and the movie abruptly cuts “not to reveal the mystery”.

This might be a good idea. It probably was the most obvious nod to her being someone special in the Force Awakens.

I agree, there is a need now to cut the following mentions in TFA:

  • Kylo’s “What girl ?
  • Maz’s “Who’s the girl ?
  • Kylo’s “The girl I’ve heard so much about” (remove audio only, no need to edit the video. This sentence was already silly before TLJ got released)

Literally none of these need to be cut.

You literally don’t want to cut anything from TFA and TLJ, so you’re not the best advisor about that 😉