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Post #1147178

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The Last Jedi : a Fan Edit Ideas thread
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Date created
22-Dec-2017, 2:04 AM

Well, I’d drop my 0.02 in about the jokes and what to cut and what not cut.
-For starters, I would like to cut the “can you hear me?” joke, it removes the tension from the first act, and does not give the audience time to change emotions when Paige dies.
-The Luke and Rey antics at Ach-To, I personally do not like Luke throwing the saber, it kind of makes Luke more of a dick, and it also breaks the tension. But if that was meant to break it, then they executed it horribly. From memory, if you cut that joke out, then it leaves a bit of a continuity error where Rey suddenly picks up the lightsaber from a different place.
-Some jokes that I like during the Luke/Rey scenes were the “Jakku is pretty much nowhere” joke and the “I can feel it” joke. The first one shows Luke’s naiveness and that it reminds us that he is still the same guy who whines about going to Tosche Station. The second joke is also of similar note.
-The BB8 antics are too reminiscent of the Prequels and the Droids cartoon, and also gets annoying at times.
-During the battle between Hologram Luke vs Kylo Ren at Crait, he brushes himself off in a sarcastic way after bombarded by AT-M6’s. And I think it does not need to omitted since it shows his cockiness and again, reminds us of the same Luke Skywalker in the OT.

Well, thats it.