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Post #1147155

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The Last Jedi: Official Review and Opinions Thread ** SPOILERS **
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Date created
22-Dec-2017, 1:02 AM

adywan said:

DrDre said:

adywan said:

DrDre said:

Here’s “the guy” again with his spoiler review of TLJ:


He asks a good question, that I actually had not considered (and neither did RJ apparently): if admiral Holdo can lightspeed through Snoke’s ship to allow the rebels to escape, and we know they’re going pick them off one by one once the chase begins at the start of the film, why didn’t any of the rebels (or better yet a droid) sacrifice themselves at the beginning of the plot by having one of the cruisers lightspeed through Snokes ship, such that everyone can escape?

The only reason Holdo was able to carry out her plan is because the first order had ignored the cruiser as they were fully concentrated on destroying the shuttles. She was able to turn the ship around which, if they had done that earlier, they would be in full range of the first order weapons and would have been blasted out of the sky before they could do anything. And, to the question “why didn’t a droid do it”, well its clear in the film that her original plan was to just keep the chase going while the shuttles escape unnoticed. But, as soon as the first order started destroying the shuttles , she had to think fast and come up with something. Would a droid come up with a plan like that? Not unless it was a tactical military droid. And you have to remember that this is a film. Having a droid sacrifice itself wouldn’t have had the emotional weight of a human sacrificing themselves/

That doesn’t really sound very logical. One of the ships would only have to hyperspace a small distance, namely further out of range of the FO ship, turn around and voila, bye bye Snoke and his ship.

They’d only got one jump left. They were all running out of fuel. Just look how quick the other two ran out. No way they could have done that

They had one jump to get far away. I’m sure a very short distance would have been possible. It’s not like they arrive instantly on their location, with the amount of fuel consumed not depending on the distance travelled. I’m sure it would have cost more fuel, then just flying there waiting to be killed, but they had some six hours worth of fuel, as is stated in the film.

Barring that they could have created a diversion, such that one of the ships could turn around and lightspeed through the ship. Have Poe make one of his crank calls again. That seemed to keep them preocuppied for a while, long enough for those extremely slow bombers to get close. Better yet, sacrifice another one of the smaller ships, by having it attack Snoke’s ship, turn around another one, and voila, almost everyone get’s to fight another day.