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Post #1146779

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The Last Jedi: Official Review and Opinions Thread ** SPOILERS **
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Date created
21-Dec-2017, 10:23 AM

Ha, Dre - you’ve proven nothing!

You have an issue with Rey, but Luke did his “massive” Dagobah training in what… around 48 hours or so.

It’s true, if you applied your level of nitpicking to Empire Strikes Back you’d rip it to shreds but saying that The Last Jedi fails is ‘selective’ in the extreme.

My suggestion for those grown men who choose to nitpick - and I don’t know whether this applies to yourself or not, this is a general suggestion - would be to go and watch the movie with children. Whether your own kids or a nephew, and see it through their eyes. It might make you remember some of the magic and escapism you felt when you first watched ESB as a child.