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Post #1146747

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The Last Jedi: Official Review and Opinions Thread ** SPOILERS **
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Date created
21-Dec-2017, 9:57 AM

DrDre said:

Sorry to keep banging on about this, but this really grinds my gears. Just to point out how poorly concieved TLJ is, and how it undermines the earlier films, here’s an image:

The size of the Supremacy is 60,000 meters. The size of the first Death Star is 160,000 meters. The Death Star is bigger, but not that much bigger. Why did the rebels have to steal the plans, and send a small group of rebel ships to destroy the Death Star? Why not just take multiple cruisers piloted by droids, and have them hyperspace through it, destroying the space station? That would have surely saved a lot of lifes.


DrDre, I accidentally added my comments to your post when I meant to quote. I’ve restored your post and quoted further down the page. That’s the reason it shows your post was edited. Sorry about that.

DrDre, once again you’re nitpicking in an overtly pedantic fashion simply designed to pick apart The Last Jedi, and you’re being blinkered to the fact that the Star Wars Saga has always been a space ‘fantasy’ rather than sci-fi.

If you’d been the man you are now the first time you had seen Empire Strikes Back then I am sure you would be the one telling everyone how ridiculous it was that the Snowspeeders kept flying in front of the AT AT Walkers, when all they needed to do was flank around and attack them from the rear. They would have had all day to shoot them and fire their cables.

If you’d been the man you are now you’d have failed to accept that Han, Chewie and Leia could have walked around in the Slug cave ‘in space’ without suits on. And 101 other things no doubt would have raised your ire.

This is a space fantasy, all you’re doing is killing it for yourself and others.