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Post #1146088

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The Last Jedi: Official Review and Opinions Thread ** SPOILERS **
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Date created
20-Dec-2017, 10:58 AM

I liked how Rey’s parents are nobodies. It was one of the few “twists” I liked in execution and idea. I honestly wouldn’t believe if they said that she had been trained as a child or a toddler and learned how to do mind tricks then, so I always considered her and this excuse way too unrealistic. She was always unbelievable, but very charismatic, which makes me care for her. I really liked how she isn’t connected to anyone, and the theme of the movie that anyone could be a hero and powerful with the force. They pulled that from The Empire Strikes Back, and it was refreshing. One of the things I really didn’t like about the prequels was how the whole “one must be dedicated to the force in order to connect and be strong with it” was pretty much reduced to “who won the biological lottery”. This movie turned that around. So that was pretty cool.