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Post #1143712

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Episode VIII : The Last Jedi - Discussion * SPOILER THREAD *
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Date created
17-Dec-2017, 9:28 AM

I got to see it finally yesterday. It was very, very hard to not see spoilers, because they were everywhere on the internet, I mean everywhere I looked.

This thing has flaws, there’s no doubt about it, but I liked about 65% of the movie. Some of the jokes I could have done without, yes, some are funny, but some feel a bit out of place or awkward (Rose/Finn, I’m talking to you!)

I loved all the Luke/Rey, the Rey/Kylo scenes, but the Rose/Finn storyline wasn’t working. I understood where they were going with the material. I just think it was the location and characters I didn’t like.

STOP HERE Spoilers below








I didn’t like how Yoda looked in the very first scene, but as his scenes progressed, he looked better. Also, he didn’t look like Yoda from Episode VI, he looked a little thinner and not so old. I did love his scenes overall.

I loved Chewbacca and the Porg scene, as well as Luke on the Falcon and R2-D2 playing the princess’ message to Kenobi for Luke again. I also enjoyed C-3PO having more interaction and dialogue in this (the odds of successfully…are 15428 to 1)

I wasn’t expecting Snoke to get killed so easily, thought they were saving it for Episode IX.

Luke, WOW!, where do I begin. I loved his story arc, I wish he had actually been there on Crait, and to be honest, I thought after the barrage of fire he received he used a force shield of some kind. I was waiting for him to knock over all the FIRST ORDER stuff with a wave of his hand, but they went in a completely different direction. I actually thought when Kylo was going to strike him down, he would disappear as Obi-wan did, BOY, was I wrong. When I saw him levitating on that rock still on the island, I was shocked. I think I would have ended the film the moment he disappeared.

I didn’t like broom stick boy, I thought they should have ended it somewhere else.

I went into the movie spoiler free and I enjoyed the surprises when watching the film.

Rian Johnson did a good job, but you have to remember this, he cut over 40 minutes of footage out of this movie, some of the other stuff MIGHT make sense, had he left those scenes in. I can’t wait for the blu-ray so we can get a glimpse of some of those deleted scenes.

I’m very much looking forward to a fan edit of this once those scenes are available.