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Post #1143699

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If you need to B*tch about something... this is the place
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Date created
17-Dec-2017, 8:53 AM

moviefreakedmind said:

I wasn’t referring to you specifically, I was referring to the Christmas culture in general. And yes, most people that are uncharitable piles of self-centered trash don’t shut up about the spirit of giving that supposedly has to do with Christmas. The boring religious element, while irritating enough to me on its own, also makes the consumerism that defines Christmas all the more hypocritical.

While the underlying argument you make that greedy consumerism is wrong, many people are selfish and uncharitable, and it is hypocritical to attach such behavior to the religious element assigned to the season—while all of that is true, at the end of the day it comes down to what attitude you intend to take, and how you intend to behave.

Yes, commercialism is bad, and wrong, and people are hypocrites. But you have to decide whether or not to let bitterness fester in yourself about it. Being bitter will not help you feel better about yourself, nor will it bring joy to those around you. You do have valid points, but being bitter isn’t the answer.

Also, the religious aspect, while boring to you, for many is the most important part of the holiday regardless of how society has commercialized everything else.