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Post #1142725

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The Last Jedi: Official Review and Opinions Thread ** SPOILERS **
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Date created
15-Dec-2017, 3:21 PM

What is a casino supposed to look like in the GFFA? The whole point was to show the decadence that’s taken root in the galaxy. In the prequels, slavery was going on in backwater worlds, much to Padme’s surprise. Here it’s happening on a nice clean civilized planet.

In movie elapsed time, the New Republic and billions of people were wiped out not that long ago, and it’s not affected business. Surprised the Hutts weren’t shown to be behind the whole operation. They’ve got to be running amok with nobody keeping them in check.

For all the references to money in past films, this is the first time we’ve seen currency. And Han Solo’s reward doesn’t count, as we never actually saw what was in those boxes.