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Post #1142644

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The Last Jedi: Official Review and Opinions Thread ** SPOILERS **
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Date created
15-Dec-2017, 2:02 PM

DominicCobb said:

Yeah, okay… holy fucking shit!

JEDIT: haha of course you guys hated it, what else should I have expected from this joyless site

DominicCobb said:

It honestly seems like there’s no pleasing people. I really don’t know why I’m surprised.

DominicCobb said:

I guess somehow I’m an odd man out even though beyond this site I feel like the response has been overwhelmingly positive.

To address a couple complaints… One of the bigger surprises was that I had no idea this would be the funniest Star Wars film. All of the comedy was pitch perfect, I thought. And am I the only one who LOVED that Leia moment? The only scene that brought tears to my eyes.

I’m very neutral on Luke’s death, I can see both sides of that. Need to watch again.

The biggest disappointment is that they so clearly set up a story that can’t be told anymore.

DominicCobb said:

darthrush said:

DominicCobb said:

I guess somehow I’m an odd man out even though beyond this site I feel like the response has been overwhelmingly positive.

To address a couple complaints… One of the bigger surprises was that I had no idea this would be the funniest Star Wars film. All of the comedy was pitch perfect, I thought. And am I the only one who LOVED that Leia moment? The only scene that brought tears to my eyes.

I’m very neutral on Luke’s death, I can see both sides of that. Need to watch again.

The biggest disappointment is that they so clearly set up a story that can’t be told anymore.

Which story thread specifically? I do agree that this feels like the end of a saga/trilogy and I’m honestly fine with that. Depending on how episode 9 turns out, I am fine with this as the last film of the saga. Not a cut and dry fairy tale ending but you still feel that Kylo lost and the heroes won. I know it sounds crazy but the emotion feels that way. Not the actual galactic situation.

It seems pretty clear that Leia was going to have a big part in IX, obviously in leading the Resistance but also in mentoring Rey and most likely saving Ben.

DominicCobb said:

What’s funny to me is people complained that TFA played it too safe, now this did the opposite of that and people are still complaining.

DominicCobb said:

darthrush said:

DominicCobb said:

What’s funny to me is people complained that TFA played it too safe, now this did the opposite of that and people are still complaining.

That’s the thing. At least fans should be a bit consistent. I personally really, really enjoyed The Force Awakens but my main gripe was that it played it too safe. So no wonder the Last Jedi felt so refreshing and amazing to me.

I personally felt that both served the purposes they needed to. As happy as I am that JJ will be back, I do still wish they brought in someone else to bring it somewhere else (though here’s hoping JJ can deliver).

Also, since I guess my review will just come out in random fragments, here’s something I just realized: my least favorite scenes in TFA were Snoke scenes, my most favorite scenes in TLJ were Snoke scenes.

DominicCobb said:

adywan said:

The casino planet actually added quite a bit to the story and for what is to come. Little threads in the film that lead up to the ending and also showed that not everything is black and white (the resistance is dealing with the same people who deal with the first order). The resistance has now become the rebellion and is all but gone at the end of the film. Something that was said earlier on (and again later). “We are the spark that will light the fire that will burn the first order down”.

Canto Bight is a planet where the rich and elite congregate in luxurious overindulgence while the rest of the inhabitants live in extreme poverty and slavery, including the children. Finn and Roses interactions with those inhabitants is a major factor here. they show the willingness to fight for freedom. At the end we see the children telling their story and then a single child use the force to grab the broom, he has the rebellion ring. The seeds of rebellion are planted. So Finn and Rose are that spark that will light the fire that will burn the first order down.

There are so many little details that are easily missed on a single viewing. I’ll write a proper review once i have seen it again. So far i liked it.


DominicCobb said:

darthrush said:

The animal cruelty message just felt kind of forced in for me. I feel like despite there being some cool stuff on Canto Bight, I feel that cutting it down significantly would benefit the pace of the movie as a whole experience. Each man to their own. Glad to hear about some more people who enjoyed the film.

It wasn’t really an animal cruelty message, that was just used more as a specific example of the pervasive inhumanity of the casino/galaxy at large.

DominicCobb said:

People are going to warm up to this one. It’ll take some time, because it’s so different. But it will happen.

DominicCobb said:

Jeebus said:

DominicCobb said:

People are going to warm up to this one. It’ll take some time, because it’s so different. But it will happen.

I think you’re right. I can already feel myself warming up to it a bit, definitely gonna have to watch it again.

I’m excited to watch again too. The funny thing is I guess I’m the opposite of everyone - the first time I saw TFA I just thought it was pretty good, with some issues, but I eventually warmed up to it and really loved it on my subsequent viewings. With TLJ it was an intense love affair from start to finish.

DominicCobb said:

DrDre said:

Yeah, I will watch it again tomorrow as well. Perhaps I will warm up to it too, but I will say, that despite it’s weak execution in the prequels, Lucas’ six episode saga had some underlying themes of hope and redemption that have gone by the wayside with this installment, like for example Luke who transcended his masters’ pessimism by believing in his overtly evil father’s capacity for good, now contemplating killing his nephew for having dark thoughts, and Leia ultimately giving up on her son at the end of this film. I know most people wanted to originality for TLJ, but this seems like throwing out the baby with the bath water.

If you think they abandoned the theme of hope in this… I don’t know what to tell you but… watch the film again, I think you’ll see it’s very much there.

Incessantly posting that you hate these movies and backing up with arguments = warnings and bans

Incessantly posting how much you love these movies and arguing with people about their own opinions = great job!

Jay’s once great site now SUCKS!