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Post #1141655

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Disney to buy 20th (21st) Century Fox? (Disney has now bought them - 14 Dec '17)
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Date created
13-Dec-2017, 10:50 AM

Mike O said:

Fang Zei said:

Handman said:

At that point, why not just have a box set of I-VIII with a spot reserved for IX?

Other than “because by that point many fans will probably already have bought TFA and TLJ”?

Not to mention the slippery slope of “do they stick to the main saga or do they throw in Rogue One and Han Solo as well?”

If the remaster is done correctly, I’d pay damn-near any price for the OUT, even if it’s in a big giant boxed set of other stuff.

I have a sincere, doubtful suspicion whether the studio would put anywhere near the quality of effort into a restoration as Harmy (and co.) has. I do want an OUT Remaster, especially since I can then legitimately prefer an existing HD OUT without being labelled “nerdy” or “purist”, but I don’t think it will hold a candle to Despecialized. There was just so much painstaking attention to detail put in.