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Post #1141125

Fang Zei
Parent topic
Disney to buy 20th (21st) Century Fox? (Disney has now bought them - 14 Dec '17)
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Date created
12-Dec-2017, 11:28 AM

Mike O said:

Fang Zei said:

moviefreakedmind said:

I don’t really expect one. I don’t think it’s on anyone’s radar.

It’s been a while since we’ve gotten another one of those good old fashioned rumors, so no, it’s not on anyone’s radar right now.

But I stand by my argument that being able to watch the SE in 4k with HDR will simply not be a big enough selling point for many people. I don’t think it’s a generalization to say that a sizable percentage of the fans (both hardcore and casual) are tired of those versions and would vastly prefer to watch the unaltered OT, warts and all. Even if the average person who might prefer the OUT doesn’t know how to get their hands on de-specialized, they’re also not going to want to part with their money yet again if Lucasfilm is only putting out the SE “but in 4k w/ HDR this time!!!” Many fans would likely reply “thanks, but I’m good with my 2011 blu-rays if that’s the only upgrade you’re offering.”

Considering the fact that only so many people will bother upgrading their equipment to 4k, simply being able to watch newer transfers of the SE on regular blu-ray won’t be of much interest. Lucasfilm will need to offer something major on the content side for those sticking with 1080p.

I sincerely hope that you’re right, but god dammit, when?!

If this Fox buyout actually goes through, maybe a whole lot sooner than we’d thought.