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Post #1140506

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The Scifi Films and Television of 2018
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Date created
10-Dec-2017, 9:49 PM

LexX said:

Tobar said:

What are you looking forward to?

Ready Player One

yeah, i am not ashamed to say this is what i most look forward to. I don’t expect it to be the best, but it is the one i am most looking forward to seeing.

LexX said:

Yeah, I was semi-interested to see Jurassic Park V but that trailer just killed it for me. It seems even dumber than the previous one.

And yet i still am positive i will watch it, because dinosaurs. it does seem like a terrible movie based on that trailer (and on the previous Jurassic World, which makes me trust what i see in the trailer). Seriously, they brought those damn glass balls back? better have a good in-movie justification for it.