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Post #1139728

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Return of the Jedi - Remastered (Released)
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Date created
8-Dec-2017, 2:21 PM

I just watched your edit Darthrush, and it was for the most part fantastic! All edits are seamless, the Ewoks aren’t completely terrible, and Han doesn’t come across as a bitch! You’ve done a really great job!

However, I would like to share my opinions on a few things in your edit, even though you’ve said you’re not making more changes. Do with my opinions as you wish; I’m sure these issues has been mentioned before. 😉

The biggest gripe with the edit is the removal of the scene where Leia first encounters the Ewoks. It feels quite obvious that something is missing here, as there’s no explanation for her appearance in the Ewok village. Apart from this I wouldn’t have been able to guess that something had been cut from the film if this was my first time watching it.

My second issue is a minor one: The original opening for Jabba’s barge scene, which you are using in your edit, has some really terrible special effects! I know some will prefer this scene over the SE scene either way, but the quality in this scene, with the two huge shadows walking on top of the barge is just awful. It’s not a big deal seeing as how the clip only lasts for a few seconds, but it’s still quite jarring.