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Post #1138079

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Politics 2: Electric Boogaloo
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Date created
4-Dec-2017, 6:25 PM

Warbler said:

Again, I apologize to ray_afraid. I still disagree with him, but I went too far in saying he was acting like a nazi. I’m sorry.

In fact, for the purpose of clarity, Ray was not acting like a Nazi at all - nor anywhere near remotely approaching so…

Ray hasn’t rounded up the disabled - both physically and mentally, civilian men, women, children, babies, the elderly and infirm, political opponents, people of a different colour, people of a different ethnic background, people of a different religion or beliefs… - and then incarcerated them, put them in concentration camps, executed them, tortured them, experimented on them, sterilised them, gassed them, starved them, used them as slaves, raped them, stripped them of their not only their possessions but their humanity, ordered them to dig their own graves, or violated the Geneva Convention - amongst many other atrocities carried out by the Nazis before World War 2, during the war, and since then.

Nazis, whose actions resulted in the deaths of circa 60 million people - and affected millions more through injury, misery and fear. Nazis who would have likely wiped many more ‘non-Ayrian types’ from the much of the world map had they triumphed 70 odd years ago - through some of the most horrific methods in human history. Nazis who would likely still want to kill, maim or injure many people for just being ‘different’ to them and their narrow-minded, intolerant and sick views - IF they could get away with it.

Personally, I am full of admiration and respect for Ray in keeping calm and simply walking away from the discussion with the man who said '…you’re just acting like a Nazi. There, I said it.’, and then later accepting your… apology.

I find it also strange - baffling in fact, that Nazis are being mentioned in the same breath for comparisons with BLM, MLK, & the NAACP - groups that are trying to highlight injustice, and ask for more social equality. Again, they are nothing like the Nazis.

So, in summing up… Well done, Warbler - in an effort to win a discussion on the internet you told someone they were acting like a Nazi.

And then - after initially refusing to apologise - eventually apologising by stating ‘I apologize for saying you were acting like a Nazi. I still think you were wrong, but that went too far. I’m Sorry.’.

Also, the ‘I still think you were wrong’ in your apology - get a dig in along with the apology, eh.

An apology nothing like, this more befitting, example… ‘Ray - I was bang out of order and deeply regret my words for the offence they very likely caused you. It is one of the lowest things anyone could ever say to another person - and for that I am truly sorry. I am disgusted with myself. Please accept my heartfelt apologies - though I fully understand should you choose not to.’

Consider this a warning Warbler - as well as to anyone else - if you call someone a Nazi on here, or tell someone they are acting like a Nazi on here again (as Warbler did to Ray), or any other comment using the word ‘Nazi’ as an insult, slur or derogatory term to a fellow member - you will be banned.

I noticed your post stating ‘I will no longer be discussing this subject’ - that’s probably a very good idea, I strongly suggest you adhere to that.


If anyone has any issues with this feel free to PM me.