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Post #1137326

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Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith, Extended Edition (Released)
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Date created
2-Dec-2017, 4:39 PM

Octorox said:

MalàStrana said:

thebluefrog said:


The unfinished “Amendments to the constitution / Palpatine’s Machinations” scene is actually usable now that these guys showed how it could be edited.

Maybe even darkening the shadows would help.

Oh brillant scene it is ! Does it exist in better quality that could match the other deleted sequences (it’s from the bluray set, so might be ?) ? If so I would love to see it integrated in an extended cut 😃

I like that scene as well. The quality is okay. The main thing that keeps me from using it is that the masking of actors in front of the Coruscant skyline is really atrocious. I did include a scene in my Episode II edit with some poor masking but this is even worse imo.

I feel like you could probably find away to cut around the offending aspects. What you’d need though is the scene to be upscaled like the DVD ones.