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Post #1135594

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The Prequel Trilogy showdown
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Date created
27-Nov-2017, 3:58 PM

chyron8472 said:

Q2’s Fall of the Jedi Trilogy fanedits.

  • “Chosen One” nonsense is removed;
  • Droid anachronisms are removed (in fact, the droids themselves are almost entirely cut);
  • Anakin’s fate at the end of Episode III is edited, leaving ESB revelation intact;
  • Padme’s fate at the end of Episode III is altered, leaving Luke’s ROTJ revelation intact and allowing his conversation with Leia on Endor to make more sense;
  • Anakin is far less whiny;
  • Obi-Wan is far less argumentative;
  • Anakin and Padme don’t fight their feelings;
  • VERY little dialogue and antics from Jar Jar;

…and that’s off the top of my head.

Would agree but they move too fast. Feels too much like an “edit”. Unfortunately you have to keep in some things that suck to keep the pace even. I think Hal or octorox are the best as far as removing as much crap while still feeling like a complete film.