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Post #1134214

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Politics 2: Electric Boogaloo
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Date created
22-Nov-2017, 4:55 PM

chyron8472 said:

yhwx said:

chyron8472 said:

moviefreakedmind said:

chyron8472 said:

If I may, since we’re arguing equality, why does the culture tell us men shouldn’t like cartoons originally targeted toward female children?

Oh great. I don’t know why I’m addressing this, but that has nothing to do with equality.

It has to do with people arguing that some people should like certain things, while other people should not like other things because [insert reason].

chyron8472 said:

In my view tolerance and equality are similar beasts, approaching the same argument from opposite angles.

Women apparently should like Star Wars more than they do. And it’s our job (and Star Wars’ job) to tell them they should…why? Just let them like it or not. If they don’t, then they don’t.

We need to create a cultural environment, both explicitly and impicitly, where’s okay for women to like Star Wars.

On these forums: Yes, we should.

In society at large: …We don’t? What does the culture do to shun women for liking Star Wars?

It’s more subtle, systematic, and implicit than that. While there are explicit examples of these deeper norms, it’s more of a pervasive problem that surfaces subtly. It’s hard to notice, but it’s there. Sometimes women aren’t exposed as much to these things. Sometimes it’s a gentle force steering them away. It’s like the norm that blue is for boys and that pink is for girls. There’s no biological reason for that; in fact, there was a time where the opposite was true. It’s just that there are societal norms embedded in culture that we are exposed to since the time we are born. It doesn’t have to be so explicit.