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Post #1133164

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Ranking the Star Wars films
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Date created
21-Nov-2017, 3:15 AM

adywan said:

Maybe you should go back and watch the film. Rey fires twice before hitting the first trooper and then fires twice to hit the second one and then runs off.

No, she fires once to hit the second one. You’re confusing the sound of the trooper firing at her as she’s turning to fire, for her having fired twice. Watch it frame by frame.

Both times she misses with her first shot.

No, only on her first shot did she miss. See above.

Then the next time she shoot a gun is when Kylo is approaching her and he is originally just a few feet from her, yet she still doesn’t get a hit (kylo doesn’t even deflect all of them as her shots hit the rocks next to him)and, when he finally gets her trapped it is still hit and miss.

That’s not the next time she shoots. She hits another trooper with one shot, and that was with a quick turn-around shot no less. As for Kylo Ren, it had already been established in the movie that he can use the force to manipulate fired blaster bolts, to the point of even freezing them in mid-air for an extended period of time, so there’s no way to know if her aim is off or if he’s altering the course of the bolt.

Next time she even fires a gun is when Han is killed and her aim is all over the place. Finn is also firing and yet they only manage to hit 2 troopers, and that could have been Finn hitting his mark.

They don’t even show where her shots were going in that scene. They showed her firing but kept the camera on her, and when they did cut away they showed two troopers getting shot, with no indication of who fired the shots. In other words, that scene is irrelevant, because the camera didn’t show whether she hit anything or not.