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Post #1133160

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Ranking the Star Wars films
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Date created
21-Nov-2017, 2:48 AM

MaximRecoil said:

adywan said:

Wrong. She attempts to fire the pistol at the Maz’s castle attack and forgets the safety is on. Then fires and misses before hitting the trooper and then runs away when the other troopers start firing.

Exactly. She goes from a complete novice who has never fired a gun, to an expert after missing just one shot (every subsequent shot was a hit).

Maybe you should go back and watch the film. Rey fires twice before hitting the first trooper and then fires twice to hit the second one and then runs off. Both times she misses with her first shot. Then the next time she shoot a gun is when Kylo is approaching her and he is originally just a few feet from her, yet she still doesn’t get a hit (kylo doesn’t even deflect all of them as her shots hit the rocks next to him)and, when he finally gets her trapped it is still hit and miss. Next time she even fires a gun is when Han is killed and her aim is all over the place. Finn is also firing and yet they only manage to hit 2 troopers, and that could have been Finn hitting his mark. So where the hell is this “expert” that hits with every subsequent shot that you speak of?