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Post #1124291

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If you need to B*tch about something other than originaltrilogy.com... This is the place
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Date created
1-Nov-2017, 2:26 PM

one69chev said:

That can only mean one thing…the inundating of the radio airwaves with God awful Christmas songs. I love the Christmas season, but I loathe Christmas music.

The seasonal music channel on my cable system stopped the Halloween stuff at 5 am and went right into Christmas music as they always do. One year they started at 3 pm on Halloween, much to my horror. One time the Christmas music kept playing into March. I’d prefer if they started the Halloween music on Oct. 1st, but they do Oktoberfest beer drinking tunes until at least the third week.
Since 2014, I’ve recorded hours and hours of the Halloween stuff, and that helps when the Holidays get me down.