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Post #1122695

Anakin Starkiller
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My thoughts on various changes
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Date created
27-Oct-2017, 5:06 PM

DuracellEnergizer said:

Anakin Starkiller said:

DuracellEnergizer said:

Funny how nobody – absolutely nobody – complained about Shaw-as-Anakin not making any sense/being confusing until the Hayden change was introduced.

Because up until a year a two before he was added, nobody knew what a young Anakin looked like. It’s a retroactive plot hole, but an inevitable one, when making the Prequels.

So in your mind, the octogenarian standing with Yoda and Ben at the end of pre-'04 versions of ROTJ was meant to represent a young Anakin? ROTFLMAO.

I wish you’d just admit you prefer Hayden in ROTJ because you were introduced to SW through the PT & SEs; I’d respect your opinion were that the case. Instead you resort to post hoc fanwanking, which only makes you look foolish and silly.

There’s nothing to admit to. I already told you my true reasoning. I always try not to allow nostalgia to affect my opinion of anything.

If Shaw’s ghost wasn’t supposed to be young Anakin, then who was it? It’s not the old Anakin we see when Vader is unmasked, because he has hair, a natural skin tone, and Jedi Robes (though whether that last one matters is debatale).