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Post #1122037

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The Place to Go for Emotional Support
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Date created
25-Oct-2017, 8:17 PM

TV’s Frink said:

moviefreakedmind said:

TV’s Frink said:

What people? Do I know these people? What are they doing?

The obvious answer is “it depends.”

All of them. Do you get sick when you hear people talk?

Depends on what they’re saying but generally no.

Do you feel threatened when someone looks in your direction?

Depends on the look on their face (and how long they hold my gaze) but generally no.

Do you hate people that stand in your way?

Sometimes. Depends if I have to get somewhere in a timely manner and they are delaying me.

I tend to hate all people and being in close proximity to them makes me feel physically ill and really angry, even if they aren’t actually doing anything particularly awful.

Crowds do tend to get on my nerves sometimes, but it makes me more annoyed and wishing I was somewhere else, and less ill/angry.

My main point is that I can’t comprehend how anyone could possibly enjoy other people. It isn’t that I hate them and am bitter that other people aren’t as misanthropic as me, I just really don’t understand how anyone could honestly enjoy or even tolerate the presence of most other people. I’m just trying to understand.

It seems like you’re talking about strangers, but from other conversations I gather you’ve had a lot of experience with people you know letting you down one way or another. Strangers don’t bother me unless they’re actively bothering me. Acquaintances are different in that I know them (somewhat) so their habits have more time to work on me and annoy me. With that said I work with a pretty decent group of folk, and I generally like my job, so tolerating some of their occasional minor annoying habits isn’t that hard.

More or less ditto.