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An American Werewolf In London (mangowolf Edition) (V3 cancelled due to official release) — Page 2


It’s done!

PM me for the link.


Mango said:

The 1995 laserdisc was made by the same company as the 1997 DVD, which is my source for audio. The audio was stretched to 5.1, but I compressed it down to mono using Handbrake. Sadly, it’s as close as I’m gonna get for now.

I have read that the 1997 Live DVD is basically the mono audio with some added sound effects to make it 5.1. I wonder if the effects are on separate tracks from the main audio?


Hi Mango,

First of all, thank you for taking on this project. I’ve just downloaded your custom BD from the link you kindly provided and I love your restored colours and audio. 😃

I have a couple of questions. I’ve just done a side by side comparison with your edition and the remastered Bluray. Unless there is something seriously amiss with my set up, it appears that your version has lost some detail (possibly due to compression?). For example; if you look at the static shot at around 5:30 with David and Jack walking away down the road, there are spots on the road that are visible in the BD but not in your encode.

Also, the BD has a lot of fine yet visible grain which is missing in your version. This can be noticed when the boys walk into The Slaughtered Lamb; the painted walls show the BD’s grain nicely whereas there is none to be seen in your encode. Would you consider releasing a BD-50 version to see if a higher bitrate might correct this issue?

One other small thing: The Universal logo at the beginning seems ‘choppy’ as it zooms in. On the BD it is silky smooth. This issue does not seems to affect the rest of the film (or is too small to be noticeable elsewhere).

I hope you don’t take this a criticism of your wonderful release. I still consider it my go-to version as I don’t think I can go back to the BD colours and audio now that I’ve experienced the difference. Many thanks again.

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Turisu said:

Hi Mango,

First of all, thank you for taking on this project. I’ve just downloaded your custom BD from the link you kindly provided and I love your restored colours and audio. 😃

I have a couple of questions. I’ve just done a side by side comparison with your edition and the remastered Bluray. Unless there is something seriously amiss with my set up, it appears that your version has lost some detail (possibly due to compression?). For example; if you look at the static shot at around 5:30 with David and Jack walking away down the road, there are spots on the road that are visible in the BD but not in your encode.

Also, the BD has a lot of fine yet visible grain which is missing in your version. This can be noticed when the boys walk into The Slaughtered Lamb; the painted walls show the BD’s grain nicely whereas there is none to be seen in your encode. Would you consider releasing a BD-50 version to see if a higher bitrate might correct this issue?

One other small thing: The Universal logo at the beginning seems ‘choppy’ as it zooms in. On the BD it is silky smooth. This issue does not seems to affect the rest of the film (or is too small to be noticeable elsewhere).

I hope you don’t take this a criticism of your wonderful release. I still consider it my go-to version as I don’t think I can go back to the BD colours and audio now that I’ve experienced the difference. Many thanks again.

I did have a bit of trouble encoding the Blu-ray, so it is a little compressed. However, since it was compressed to fit on a 25 gig Blu-ray, that could cause some problems as well, I.E. the missing grain. I also noticed that the beginning logos are a little choppy. That happened when I initially ripped the blu-ray and I don’t really have a fix for it. I may release a BD-50 at some point though. The raw file for my version of the movie is 58 gigs. I frankly think the color balance could have been done better too. The blacks have a reddish tone to them now, which I don’t like. Like I said though, this is just version 1. When I do the second version, I’ll be sure to address these issues. The second version may also be 2 disc!

Thanks for taking interest in the project! Your feedback is necessary to make this project as good as possible.



Great news! Looking forward to V2. 😃

George creates Star Wars.
Star Wars creates fans.
George destroys Star Wars.
Fans destroy George.
Fans create Star Wars.


Concerning the audio pitch, all you have to do is listen to the songs (there are plenty in the movie) on the audio track, and then to their vinyl or CD counterparts. You’ll hear the difference instantly. They sound miserable on the movie soundtrack.

You can also switch to the french track (available on both the 2009 and 2016 Blu-rays) during the musical cues. This track is pitched correctly as it was not altered in any way.

Never really knew if this pitch correction was intended or if it was a mishandling when the remastering was done in 2002.


BobaFett69 said:

Concerning the audio pitch, all you have to do is listen to the songs (there are plenty in the movie) on the audio track, and then to their vinyl or CD counterparts. You’ll hear the difference instantly. They sound miserable on the movie soundtrack.

You can also switch to the french track (available on both the 2009 and 2016 Blu-rays) during the musical cues. This track is pitched correctly as it was not altered in any way.

Never really knew if this pitch correction was intended or if it was a mishandling when the remastering was done in 2002.

Is it possible that Universal/John Landis were trying to avoid music licensing issues by changing the pitch of the audio? The reason I bring this up is because, sometimes when someone posts a clip from a movie/TV show on YouTube and the uploader alters the audio to avoid copyright problems. And also Universal has dealt with music licensing issues before on home video releases of films like Fast Times at Ridgemont High, Sixteen Candles, Weird Science, Nighthawks etc. So, could that be the case as to why the pitch of the audio was changed?


Altering the pitch is done to foil automated flagging of copyrighted material online. That’s not going to keep music industry lawyers away when Universal uses a song in a film.

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Oops. Forgot to announce this. Version 1 is NO LONGER AVAILABLE. Version 2 is available now. PM me for the link.


I just finished watching version 2, very nice job. I really liked the extras that you included, they were a great touch for the BD-50.

Mango was kind enough to allow me to put together some disc art for his project:



I got the ok from Mangowolf to upload this to the spleen as long as their admins approved the project. They did and it is currently seeding…just in time for Halloween.

Thanks Mango W. for your hardwork!



The files will soon be deleted from mega and uploaded to pirate bay. I will seed there for a month once it’s up. If you like it, keep it shared!


one69chev said:

I just finished watching version 2, very nice job. I really liked the extras that you included, they were a great touch for the BD-50.

Mango was kind enough to allow me to put together some disc art for his project:


Nice job on the disc art Rickster dude.!!

And big thanks to Mango for this, one of my favourite movies for sure…!


Thanks man; and hats off to Mango once again for a great project. Currently seeding on the spleen if anyone is looking for a copy; plus free leech is on, so you can’t go wrong!


I just watched my copy of V1 the other day, and was really impressed! Thought it looked terrific, and it was great to have the original audio. I’ll definitely have to check out V2!

Great work, and thank you for all of the time you put into this! 😃


Any chance of uploading the mono track? I’d like to sync it to my DVD.


So how will v3 differ from v2?


Oldfan said:

So how will v3 differ from v2?

It will have a new color restoration, new bonus features and will come with a bonus DVD that includes the fullscreen version.


Thanks! Just saw V2. Looks great. 😃 If I may ask a question, is there any way to get a lossless (PCM mono/stereo is fine) soundtrack on v3? Lossy is fine, all things considered, but a lossless version would make me super happy. 😃

Thanks again!


flashback8 said:

Thanks! Just saw V2. Looks great. 😃 If I may ask a question, is there any way to get a lossless (PCM mono/stereo is fine) soundtrack on v3? Lossy is fine, all things considered, but a lossless version would make me super happy. 😃

Thanks again!

Sure! That’s easily done. I admittedly haven’t finished this project yet, but I’m getting back to work on all my stuff. Just took a break for a little while. 😃


Still working on V3. Just need to take care of the bonus features, then build the iso.


Can i please have a download link? Thanks

I have no more links sorry.

Will do in future though