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Post #1121082

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Politics 2: Electric Boogaloo
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Date created
22-Oct-2017, 5:06 PM

SilverWook said:

Warbler said:

SilverWook said:

Warbler said:

moviefreakedmind said:

Warbler said:

moviefreakedmind said:

Warbler said:

moviefreakedmind said:

Warbler said:

TV’s Frink said:

Warbler said:

TV’s Frink said:

The point is that you think it’s getting worse and worse. Which is funny. Because black people would probably say what is getting worse and worse is the police killing them. But you know, protesting during the anthem is the real problem.

I think both are a problem. Obviously the wrongful killing of African Americans is a more serious problem. This does not mean that people protesting the anthem is not a problem.

It isn’t.

In your opinion.

I hate to sound like someone we all can’t stand, but you’re denying the truth here.

agree to disagree

Warbler said:

moviefreakedmind said:

Warbler said:

I’d be interested in hearing ric_olie_2’s take on the incident.

He might think that SNL is an inappropriate venue for such a statement. I personally think it’s one of the most beautiful and stunning protests ever done by a musician.

I don’t think I’d call it beautiful.

It was a bold, brave, and beautiful action by a bold, brave, and beautiful woman. She timed and planned it all perfectly so that the producers wouldn’t expect it and would be unable to cut it because it was live, and she pulled out the picture as she sang the final lyric, “Evil”. And who could forget, “Fight the real enemy!” It gives me the chills every time I see it. She was so ahead of her time with it too.

agree to disagree.

I would ask why you object to her but I think that would be a can of worms not worth opening.

Somehow tearing up a pic of the Pope on live tv without any explanation given doesn’t seem like a good way of protesting. It also seems to offensive to Catholics that had nothing to do with the scandal. Do you think it would be ok to protest 911 by tearing up a pic of Muhammad on live tv without giving any explanation?

There was an explanation given.

She took the pic, tore it up, said nothing. That is not an explanation.

She changed the lyrics of the Marley song to refer to child abuse before she tore up the picture.

Do you honestly think people really had an idea why she tore up the pic? There is reason why people disliked her for awhile after that pic and it is not because people approve of the Catholic Church covering for child molesters.

Who cares if it’s offensive?

many people.

If the person whose picture you’re tearing up was, at least tacitly, involved in the cover up of the scandals, then you shouldn’t fear offending people that respect him.

We are talking about Religion here, its complicated.

Hell, I think it’d all be okay even without cause and explanation honestly. They’re men, not gods. That said, in the context of protest, it’s fair, effective, intense, and powerful. In the case of Sinéad’s performance, beautiful.

agree to disagree

By the way, I’m rarely into the whole “agree to disagree” thing. I don’t like opinions that dramatically differ from mine. Who does?

too bad.

Don’t you think that’s offensive to insane people like me that don’t like opinions that dramatically differ from my own?


IIRC, she said Fight the real power when she tore up the photo.

I forgot about that. In any case, I am pretty sure people at the time were confused as to why she did what she did.

Or were too busy being outraged to bother finding out why she did what she did.

Exactly. It’s a very similar case with the athletes. I really don’t even care if people are going to still complain about the protests, but refuse to acknowledge the reality behind it is what gets me.