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Post #1120996

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Politics 2: Electric Boogaloo
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Date created
22-Oct-2017, 1:01 PM

Warbler said:

yhwx said:

Warbler said:

Possessed said:

TV’s Frink said:

Warbler said:

TV’s Frink said:

The point is that you think it’s getting worse and worse. Which is funny. Because black people would probably say what is getting worse and worse is the police killing them. But you know, protesting during the anthem is the real problem.

I think both are a problem. Obviously the wrongful killing of African Americans is a more serious problem. This does not mean that people protesting the anthem is not a problem.

It isn’t.

Why even bother arguing with him when he still doesn’t even understand what’s happening after having it spelled out for him upwards of 20 times? They. Are. Not. Protesting. The. Anthem. Protesting the anthem and protesting DURING the anthem for exposure aren’t the same fucking thing but I don’t know why I’m bothering to explain this because I know you still won’t accept it.

We will just have to agree to disagree on whether or not they are protesting the anthem.

The anthem is just a vehicle for their protest. Why can’t you accept that?

Because I don’t think the anthem should be used that way.

This is not a question of whether you think the anthem should be used that way. This is a question of what it’s actually being used for.