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Post #1119756

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Ranking the Star Wars films
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Date created
18-Oct-2017, 10:13 AM

ZigZig said:

TV’s Frink said:

I just cannot comprehend how someone can complain that R1 is the video game movie of the group and also claim to have watched both AOTC and ROTS.

Please don’t tell me that CGI-Lea and CGI-Tarkin don’t look like videogame characters…

Anyway, visually speaking, AOTC et ROTS looks like an old video game, I don’t disagree.
My point is that if we talk about the scenario (and not about the visual aspect), R1 is a long and boring linear “shoot them up” game, especially the last battle (where is the big button to transmit the plans ? How, here it is !)

Edit : PS: A friend told me that he liked R1 because it reminded him “Battlefront”…

The argument that two CGI characters don’t look very convincing has nothing to do with the scenario, as you say in your second sentence. so that isn’t a point supporting your assertion that R1 is like a video game.

The simplicity of having to press the big transmit button, sure, that i can buy, it does seem like a very simple puzzle, in fact it does remind me of Myst.

I don’t play Battlefront, but why exactly does this remind your friend of that game? is it because the game has an overlapping plot? that this is a movie with an epic battle?