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Post #1119331

TV's Frink
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All Things Star Trek
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Date created
17-Oct-2017, 11:05 AM

chyron8472 said:

TV’s Frink said:

chyron8472 said:

I did not. You’re saying that I’m not allowed to be uncomfortable in any circumstance for any legitimate reason, and that’s unfair.

I would not tell such people off. I would not shame them. I am just telling you guys here because I hang out here. It’s not like I harbor some resentment toward them or anything like that.

Ok fine, allow me to ask a question then, since I don’t understand how your reason is legitimate…why exactly does someone acting “effeminate” or “flamboyant” make you uncomfortable?

Because it’s awkward. I’ve never been much for the spotlight myself (see previous post about being nerdy), and I feel somehow myself embarrassed by proxy for people who draw attention to themselves when they do things that generate a certain level of public awkwardness.

Also, I myself try to blend in, due to drawing unwanted attention for my own unintentional behavior. If it appears that someone is flippantly, flamboyantly attempting to draw attention to themselves in a way that is so contrary to my own attempt at behavior, or in the way that I commonly try to identify with others, it throws me off because I don’t understand why they should be motivated to do so.

I don’t understand why someone else’s actions would make you embarrassed by proxy, but in the interest of allowing the thread to proceed on-topic I’ll drop it now.