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Post #1119180

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kk650's Miscellaneous Regraded Films (Released)
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Date created
16-Oct-2017, 10:37 PM

ilyasdesign40 said:

sorry but haven’t used torrent sites since 2002 do the files, links stay active meaning alive or they get removed after awhile like file host?

YOU are essentially the files. Basically, one guy has the files (AKA seeder) while others get copies of data blocks of those files while also obtaining them from everybody else who is connected at that time. Once you’ve obtained the files in full, you are now a seeder. If you decide to leave, that’s one less seeder available to distribute the files. If all seeders leave, there’s nothing left to distribute. Sometimes, as a leecher (somebody wanting the files), you can stick around regardless of the fact there are no seeders and one will appear but more often than not, if there are no seeders, that torrent is more or less dead.

Some people “dine & dash” in the sense they download the files but leave immediately after getting what they want. It doesn’t help others and it’s frowned upon but it’s mainly the honor system, really. People encourage each other to be generous with seeding. Otherwise, torrents die and this distribution model won’t work.