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Post #1117623

Puggo - Jar Jar's Yoda
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Politics 2: Electric Boogaloo
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Date created
12-Oct-2017, 1:10 AM

I think that Pence is as far to the alt-right as a politician can possibly be. He would likely bring a Christian fundamentalism to the white house, so if you want the Bible to be the law of the land, he’s your man. I think he’s much more to the right than Trump, and even further to the right than Palin. However, I don’t see him getting us into a war with North Korea. So at this point, Trump is such a catastrophe that even as a liberal I’d probably prefer Pence. If Trump manages to avoid WW3, I’d probably prefer Trump just because he won’t actually be able to do anything. But that’s an awfully risky bet to take. It’s hard to imagine anything worse than taking a hydrogen bomb up the backside.

Right about now, there’s your Republican party for ya.