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Post #1117214

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The Place to Go for Emotional Support
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Date created
11-Oct-2017, 2:55 PM

darthrush said:

My last friend who I had just stopped talking to me. I’m stoned all the time now and also might have gotten a speeding ticket. I’m just messing everything up right now and all I want to do is just smoke more and more pot to get rid of the anxiety. I also have to keep it a secret from my friends since they decided they thought I was getting out of hand. But it doesn’t even matter anymore since they don’t even talk to me. God, I just feel so isolated.

That sucks, man. I’m sorry.

Possessed hit the nail on the head when it comes to pot, though. Being a little high often is one thing, but being full-on stoned all the time causes its own host of problems, damage to social relationships included.