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Post #1114058

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Anyone else totally disregard Leia being Luke's sister?
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Date created
3-Oct-2017, 7:57 PM

darthrush said:

I hate to say it, but Return of the Jedi plain sucks. Not as bad as the prequels but definitely a bad movie. The entire Jabba section feels like a separate movie, the Ewoks ruin endor, everyone besides Luke has almost nothing to do of any importance. The spunky, headstrong Leia and cocky, cool headed Han are nowhere to be seen in this film. Leia is weak as hell in the movie, and Harrison couldn’t be phoning it in any more.

The main reason it sucks though is that the only thing of any importance in this film is the confrontation with Luke, the Emperor and Vader. They tie up the haning plot threads left by the Empire Strikes Back in the first section of the film, then it completely departs into a whole new section where we get the Luke and Vader stuff, which is packed side by side with a ton of pointless filler.

Normally, one will painfully bear through most of the film (which is filler) and wait for throne room scenes which are the most important when looking at this movie as the final chapter of a trilogy. And even that stuff sucks.

Remastered made ROTJ pretty good!