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Post #1113074

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Date created
1-Oct-2017, 5:13 PM

SilverWook said:

Anjohan said:

doubleofive said:

Anjohan said:

fishmanlee said:

My suggestion: make the Emperor’s shuttle unique, paint it red, or black, with the Imperial logo on the side or something.

What the f*ck? Why?

Because the grey stripe it has doesn’t differentiate it enough from the 3 other identical shuttles also in the film? It’s not a bad suggestion.

That is so illogical. So what you suggest, is that the Emperor - leader of the Empire; the biggest threat for the Rebel Alliance and all other of millions who hate and plot behind his fierce back, travel around in a ship that signifies “I am no ordinary passenger”? That’s like Luke traveling in a completely blue X-Wing, written Skywalker on the sides, and expecting not to be followed or shot down or captured.

JEDIT: I see your lust for spicing up the designs, but doing it on the Emperor’s Shuttle just diminishes his logic and therefore his character. Vader, for instance, didn’t follow Luke in a red Tie-Fighter at the end of ANH and blended in with the others, keeping himself at an advantage for doing so rather than an increased target.

This is blending in?

The Empire is all about displaying it’s power and symbolism. A fancy ride for a short hop from a Star destroyer to the DS escorted by a whole lot of TIE’s isn’t that far fetched. The Emperor does not sneak around. They could employ the tactic of identical shuttles traveling in a group so nobody knows which one the Emperor is actually on.

I don’t mind whether the shuttles are changed or not. In ESB and ROTJ it seems a shuttle is a shuttle whether it’s transporting VIPs or cargo, but also like the idea of Palpatine wanting to show off a bit. If you do change it, for the love of all that is good please don’t make it black because, as pointed out by Jani-Wan, we need to actually see it.