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Post #1112521

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4K restoration on Star Wars
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Date created
29-Sep-2017, 3:31 PM

imperialscum said:

Anyway, “apologists” is intrinsically incorrect term to describe the particular group of people. They do no apologise for the fact that TFA is shit. They just deny it. To be able to apologise for something, one must first admit it.

If you are here to bait or antangonise fellow forum members for having an a different opinion of a movie than yourself - an opinion on which you repeatedly try to declare as some sort of fact - then I suggest you, and anyone of the same mindset, stop.

Having a differing opinion, explaining why, talking about it, and exchanging views is great and to be encouraged - what you seem to repeatedly be doing here is far-removed from this.

You’re much better than that - please start posting like it.


We should all get back on the topic of this thread.