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Post #1111569

TV's Frink
Parent topic
A statement from Warbler
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Date created
26-Sep-2017, 6:43 PM

Warbler said:

mind telling me the other side? Do it via pm if it makes you uncomfortable to post here.

You were warned several times by a moderator to cool down and you didn’t. You also told him to sit on a tack (which I’ll grant has lost the bite it probably had in the 50’s but still).

Now granted, you didn’t know he was a new moderator. Frankly this place needs to identify staff better. So that’s the other other side. But still, mouth off to a moderator, you’re probably gonna sit for a few days.

Count yourself lucky. I complained about a moderator in public on a Star Wars video game forum (owned by Electronic Arts) and got banned for a month without a single warning. They didn’t even tell me I was banned. When I tried to log in it just took me back to the forum front page, so I even spent a few Saturday hours in chat with EA support trying to figure out what had happened, and they couldn’t figure it out either. I asked a guild-mate to send a PM to the staff asking what had happened, and they just ignored his PM completely.

So long story short (too late!), it could have been much worse.