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Post #1110889

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Politics 2: Electric Boogaloo
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Date created
24-Sep-2017, 8:00 PM

TV’s Frink said:

Warbler said:

oojason said:

Warbler said:

Jeebus said:

Warbler said:

DominicCobb said:

Warbler said:

We have truly reached a low point in our society.

Yes, I agree - the president has publicly called citizens peacefully protesting “sons of bitches.” Despicable.

Citizens peacefully protesting:

Would it be wrong for the President to call them “sons of bitches”?

The only comparison you could make that’s more absurd would be to bring up actual Nazis.

“Hey, Nazis were upset with the state of Germany, these football players are upset with the state of America… you think that’s a coincidence?”

I don’t know why you would bring up the Nazis here. They were definitely not peacefully protesters.

To be honest Warbler, some may be struggling as to why you brought up the Westboro Baptists into this right now - unless you are trying to equate the protests of Westboro Baptists to the protests that occurred today?

I guess you missed this:

Warbler said:

I was simply trying to show that some peaceful protests are bad. I think we agree that I picked a good example of a bad peaceful protest.

I have every right to be of the opinion that the peaceful protest of the National Anthem is a bad peaceful protest(but nowhere near as bad as what the Westboro Baptists did).


Now, Puggo has made a decent point here…

Puggo - Jar Jar’s Yoda said:

I notice that in some cases, players kneeling still remove their hat and/or hold their hand over their heart. Still nobody has been able to explain how kneeling is a sign of disrespect.

For me, kneeling in this manner honours both the anthem and what it symbolises - yet is still an effective form of protest.

It is obvious in this case, the intent is protest.

That doesn’t make any sense.

The intent is to protest police brutality and racism.

by protesting the Anthem.