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Help Wanted: Jurassic Park III - 35mm print... (seeking donations)

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Jurassic Park III 35mm opportunity

We have a 35mm Russian dubbed print that’s already been paid for, we now need donations to get the scanning started. If anyone would like to help out, we’d really appreciate it.
Cost of the 4k scan will be $460 and we need half now to start the job.
Drop me a pm or post here if your interested in helping.

Here’s some quick low res sample images from part of reel 1:


Is there something wrong with the existing legal official release?

Star Wars Revisited Wordpress

Star Wars Visual Comparisons WordPress


doubleofive said:

Is there something wrong with the existing legal official release?

It’s an older scan and the colors are off like the original JP. TLW is the only one close to how it was presented theatrically.


Looking at a print for color reference in fan preservations is one thing, scanning something in 4K and only giving the result to those that donate sounds really questionable. And listing those people is inviting even more problems.

Star Wars Revisited Wordpress

Star Wars Visual Comparisons WordPress


doubleofive said:

Looking at a print for color reference in fan preservations is one thing, scanning something in 4K and only giving the result to those that donate sounds really questionable. And listing those people is inviting even more problems.

Donors usually gets an early release without proper restauration. After some time there comes a wider release on myspleen etc.
without donors there would be no fanprojects like this…

Amadeus 35mm-Project WIP. Help needed!!


doubleofive said:

Looking at a print for color reference in fan preservations is one thing, scanning something in 4K and only giving the result to those that donate sounds really questionable. And listing those people is inviting even more problems.

Have you not seen the other threads here on the OT asking for help with 35mm prints? This is nothing new and i’m not here to rip anyone off if that’s what your implying. There’s plenty of guys around here that can vouch for me.
Freedomland is correct, people that donate will get the first copy, any public release would be waaaaay down the road.


I guess I don’t poke in this subforum very often. JP3 seemed like an odd enough choice that I took a closer look. I still don’t get why we’re preserving everything, but if the mods don’t have a problem with it, by all means, continue.

Star Wars Revisited Wordpress

Star Wars Visual Comparisons WordPress


The cool thing other than the color timing, grain, and depth, is that these were shown in theaters. So you have that authentic feel obviously, whereas most of the BDs released just don’t have that 35mm look. I’ve grown tired of people excepting most of the crap that studios put out there for us to buy over and over again. So if we have this opportunity to see a theatrical print again, i say why the hell not. 😃


doubleofive said:

Looking at a print for color reference in fan preservations is one thing, scanning something in 4K and only giving the result to those that donate sounds really questionable. And listing those people is inviting even more problems.

It’s not exclusive to donors jesus lorde


doubleofive said:

I guess I don’t poke in this subforum very often. JP3 seemed like an odd enough choice that I took a closer look. I still don’t get why we’re preserving everything, but if the mods don’t have a problem with it, by all means, continue.

Given your username, why not back the Living Daylights project?

doubleofive said:

Is there something wrong with the existing legal official release?

That’s a fair enough question, I can’t comment personally on the Bluray, but we do know that the original Jurassic Park was completely f*cked with… and JP3 is a less silly then the other sequels (the T-Rex in San Diego for example is unforgivable… it doesn’t even make sense that InGen made multiple tyrannosauruses in the first place when they only wanted one for their park).

[ Scanning stuff since 2015 ]


Ok guys still need help on this so if your interested drop me a pm. 😃 Need $110 more to get to half the funds to start the scan and then half on completion. Once it starts getting scanned i can post samples from throughout the film.


Yep still trying to get donations, any help would be appreciated. 😃


Received another donation, thank you!


Just curious, how are you getting a 4k scan made of your 35mm print? What type of facilities offer that type of service? I’m pretty new to this forum, so I don;t have much knowledge of the preservation process.


This would be a homebrew setup, a film projector turned into a scanner. Captured with a Blackmagic Design Production Camera in real-time. The guy that does this has worked with film for many years.


Received one more donation today! Thanks again 😃 We’re at $150 now. Just $80 more to START the scanning, that’s half the scanning cost.


Just bumping the thread, seeing if anyone else is interested in helping. Just drop me a pm.


We don’t have all the funds just yet. Not many people seem interested in this one.


I think there’s interest, just not donations. This movie was WAY better than Jurassic World!!

[ Scanning stuff since 2015 ]


Ok let me rephrase that. 😉 Not many people seem interested in donating or lack of funds. I still wanna see this scanned though, so one way or another it’s gotta happen.


Yeah agreed, that’s why I said my comment! Come on people, I can’t count the number of times with my own projects that people show LOTS of interest but no donation. Do it for the late Michael Crichton!

[ Scanning stuff since 2015 ]