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Post #1109539

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Politics 2: Electric Boogaloo
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Date created
20-Sep-2017, 6:56 PM

Warbler said:

The cop didn’t rob him. He seized illegal profits.

Was that money illegally obtained? All of it? Rhetorical question, don’t answer. Let’s say “sure, he made that money committing the heinous crime of selling hot dogs,” what about everyone else who’s been stopped and had their money taken? An officer can take their money if they even suspect it was gotten illegally. The only way to get that money back is to prove in court that it was actually obtained legally. Is that not guilty until proven innocent?

I have a feeling that if this guy had been white and spoke English, no one would make a big deal about him getting ticked and his profits seized.

Funny, I have a feeling that if he was white and spoke English, he’d have had a much easier time.