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Revenge of the Sith (The New Canon Cut) [ON HOLD INDEFINITELY] — Page 7


“No loose wire jokes” is in the theatrical movie, and I believe “I was about to say that” was too.

Reading R + L ≠ J theories


The context for the lines are different now, though. xP

“No miswire jokes” is an exchange Obi Wan and Anakin have as they step off the elevator in my cut.

And “I was about to say that” is said after “Sith lords are our specialty.” Like Anakin was going to make the same joke as Obi-Wan.

Andor: The Rogue One Arc

not a Jedi apologist or a Jedi hater but a secret third thing


I see.

Hey, by the way, is there anywhere else this could be uploaded to, even temporarily? I’ve been downloading for the past 18 hours and I’m only 80% of the way there because of the data caps, and I’m not gonna be able to start back up again until 11 PM.

Reading R + L ≠ J theories


I want to thank you for sending me your edit of the film and what you have so far is really good. I have to agree with krlozdac’s comments. The beginning of the film is too dark but I see what you were trying to do, and feel that additional color correction is needed. Anakin feels like TCW Anakin now, or at least it is greatly improved. Some of the added lines are good and some of them simply do not flow, or go by very quickly and are hard to hear. When an edit occurs, it feels somewhat jarring and should be smoothed out so that it feels more natural. I understand this is not the final version and you have more edits to make, but I feel like it’s nearly there. During the birth scene, I would get rid of the medical droid entirely. The ending felt very somber with the Vader breathing, but I feel you pulled it off. Very well done. Just a few more passes so that it all flows smoothly and I think you have a great edit on your hands.


Are there any specific examples of an edit being jarring that isn’t related to adding/moving a line of audio? That would be appreciated.

Andor: The Rogue One Arc

not a Jedi apologist or a Jedi hater but a secret third thing


One example happens at 28:50 where anakin and ObiWan are standing still and then they are walking. There is no natural transition which makes it seem jarring if that makes sense.


Once Adywan omits the scene with Luke asking Leia if she remembers her real mother in ROTJ: Revisited, then Padme can die in Revenge of the Sith.

I like what you did, except I didn’t like the audio cuts during Luke and Leia’s birth, and to be honest, I would show Leia’s birth, but I would somehow cut away from her being named. I would just have Bail saying he would take the girl. The reveal will be at the end of Rogue One, oh, it’s Leia, it’s the girl, but only to the audience. If you didn’t get it then, you’ll certainly get it by ROTJ.

I liked the inclusion of Qui-gon, I’ve heard it in another edit before.

The Luke Leia theme didn’t really work that well, as the music cues are off or out of place, if you will. I prefer the original Leia theme.

Also, I do like Vader’s helmet going on, he breathes, then that’s it. It would be cool to hear the Emperor say to Vader, “Lord Vader” right before he breathes out, Idk.

I like it overall, it’s a different take on the ending. You did a great job.


CarboniteSolo said:

Once Adywan omits the scene with Luke asking Leia if she remembers her real mother in ROTJ: Revisited, then Padme can die in Revenge of the Sith.

Sure, but the whole point of this edit is to improve ROTS while keeping it consistent with the rest current canon, in which Padme unambiguously died in/just after childbirth. There are flashbacks in the Vader comic about her funeral, among other things that require her death in ROTS to occur in order to keep consistency.


Skimming through this, I’m gonna watch the whole thing soon.

There are a few times where the audio… I guess the best way to describe is that it clips. They’re all around cuts, so my guess is that you just cut the video and left it like that. You should have the audio on each side of the cut fade into one another, it solves that problem.

Like other people have said, some added dialogue doesn’t fit right. I think it’s more that they’re running over existing dialogue, partially. Some lines don’t have this problem but still feel out of place, but idk why for them.

I love the recoloring. Especially the lightsabers. Finally we have air superiority blue and actually real red!

Not a fan of ADigitalMan’s (I think it was them) crawl maker. I prefer JackPumpkinHead’s. Although this isn’t a huge deal.

Also personally, I’d add more grain.

I’d make Dooku lose his head sooner, there’s a bit of pause between when Anakin catches the lightsaber and when he’s beheaded.

Reading R + L ≠ J theories


Overall, although I definitely have some nitpicks and things I’d do differently, I really like what you’ve done here. Anakin’s character comes across much more in keeping with The Clone Wars and there are some pretty original ideas. I’d say the new lines in spots work well more often than not. I did notice one pretty major technical glitch. At 1:26:51 there’s a cut and we can see a single frame of another shot before the cut (It’s a shot of Obi-Wan).


I have to say I agree with everything that SparkySywer mentioned in his post.


SparkySywer said:

Skimming through this, I’m gonna watch the whole thing soon.

There are a few times where the audio… I guess the best way to describe is that it clips. They’re all around cuts, so my guess is that you just cut the video and left it like that. You should have the audio on each side of the cut fade into one another, it solves that problem.

Yeah, I faded most of the audio cuts, but there are a few where it’s the beginning of a new project file (I have to work in parts) and I wasn’t forward thinking enough to maybe start the file a little behind where I would want it to start in editing. That’s an easy fix and also fanediting 101.

There are also parts where crossfading the audio didn’t work though because there was a line or something just behind it, and it would have ran over. And it was noticeable on every channel. I might have just said “fuck it” for the night or week I was editing those specific spots and didn’t catch it when I came back and had forgotten about it. I should make notes.

Like other people have said, some added dialogue doesn’t fit right. I think it’s more that they’re running over existing dialogue, partially. Some lines don’t have this problem but still feel out of place, but idk why for them.

I agree with this. Any that stick out especially bad, though? And which ones work best?

Octorox said:

Overall, although I definitely have some nitpicks and things I’d do differently, I really like what you’ve done here. Anakin’s character comes across much more in keeping with The Clone Wars and there are some pretty original ideas. I’d say the new lines in spots work well more often than not. I did notice one pretty major technical glitch. At 1:26:51 there’s a cut and we can see a single frame of another shot before the cut (It’s a shot of Obi-Wan).

Oh my, thanks for that glitch.

And, I’m all for nitpicks and differences tbh. I am a fan of your own edits, and while I don’t expect to inspire anything in your RotS, I love discussing where our ideas for this movie would diverge.

Andor: The Rogue One Arc

not a Jedi apologist or a Jedi hater but a secret third thing


Just finished watching, so here are my thoughts.

  • The opening space battle seems a bit too dark and contrast-y, IMO

  • I think the “never an elevator when you need one” line could be louder, and I don’t think Anakin’s reply is necessary

  • “Good view from up there” is very hard to hear, I’d make it quite a bit louder

  • “No loose wire jokes” could be a tad louder, Obi-Wan’s reply moreso

  • I like that Anakin greets Palpatine. Very small change, but I think it makes the dialogue feel more natural
  • I don’t think “I was about to say that” works
  • I really like how you re-edited the Dooku battle, the omission of Anakin’s yells, particularly; it makes him seem much more powerful and Vader-like

  • I like Anakin’s laugh when the ship lands

  • “So we doing this or what?” could be ever-so-slightly louder, but it’s not a huge issue
  • The rescoring of Anakin and Padme’s reunion was done beautifully
  • “Hey” could be a bit louder
  • “You’ve fought many battles the Jedi thought were lost…” is a good change, and was done very well
  • The cutting of “…master” from “Forgive me, master,” was pretty rough. If it’s too hard to fix, I’d say it just isn’t worth removing, and perhaps it could even make sense for Anakin to be more ‘submissive’ when speaking to Windu

  • I feel like switch between Anakin and Padme laughing to a serious political discussion is too sudden. I think it’s because the “what’s the matter” is in a playful tone. What I’d do is maybe start their laughing a little bit earlier in the establishing shot, giving a greater pause between the laughing and Anakin asking what’s wrong; and replace his silly “what’s the matter” with something similar, albeit asked more seriously (if you can find an audio clip that fits)

  • Anakin’s response to Padme’s question doesn’t seem like a real answer. It seems like they’re having 2 different conversations, IMO. Perhaps cut the “sometimes I wonder what’s happening to the Jedi order,” line

  • I really hate the “hold me like you did on the lakes of Naboo” monlogue, and I’d love for it to be cut

  • I like the Pazaak music

  • The changes to the opera scene were subtle, but well done

  • Anakin agreeing that Obi-Wan should go to Utapau makes him seem much more mature

  • I really like what you’ve done with Obi-Wan’s “farewell” scene

  • The way you’ve re-done the Palpatine revalation scene really does make Anakin seem more autonomous

  • I love everything you’ve done with the birth of Vader scene

  • I like what you’ve done with Obi-Wan’s reaction to the security footage

Overall, it’s a damn good edit, and probably the best version of the movie there ever will be without totally overhauling it.


Jeebus said:

Just finished watching, so here are my thoughts.

  • The opening space battle seems a bit too dark and contrast-y, IMO

  • I think the “never an elevator when you need one” line could be louder, and I don’t think Anakin’s reply is necessary

  • “Good view from up there” is very hard to hear, I’d make it quite a bit louder

  • “No loose wire jokes” could be a tad louder, Obi-Wan’s reply moreso

  • I like that Anakin greets Palpatine. Very small change, but I think it makes the dialogue feel more natural
  • I don’t think “I was about to say that” works
  • I really like how you re-edited the Dooku battle, the omission of Anakin’s yells, particularly; it makes him seem much more powerful and Vader-like

  • I like Anakin’s laugh when the ship lands

  • “So we doing this or what?” could be ever-so-slightly louder, but it’s not a huge issue
  • The rescoring of Anakin and Padme’s reunion was done beautifully
  • “Hey” could be a bit louder
  • “You’ve fought many battles the Jedi thought were lost…” is a good change, and was done very well
  • The cutting of “…master” from “Forgive me, master,” was pretty rough. If it’s too hard to fix, I’d say it just isn’t worth removing, and perhaps it could even make sense for Anakin to be more ‘submissive’ when speaking to Windu

  • I feel like switch between Anakin and Padme laughing to a serious political discussion is too sudden. I think it’s because the “what’s the matter” is in a playful tone. What I’d do is maybe start their laughing a little bit earlier in the establishing shot, giving a greater pause between the laughing and Anakin asking what’s wrong; and replace his silly “what’s the matter” with something similar, albeit asked more seriously (if you can find an audio clip that fits)

  • Anakin’s response to Padme’s question doesn’t seem like a real answer. It seems like they’re having 2 different conversations, IMO. Perhaps cut the “sometimes I wonder what’s happening to the Jedi order,” line

  • I really hate the “hold me like you did on the lakes of Naboo” monlogue, and I’d love for it to be cut

  • I like the Pazaak music

  • The changes to the opera scene were subtle, but well done

  • Anakin agreeing that Obi-Wan should go to Utapau makes him seem much more mature

  • I really like what you’ve done with Obi-Wan’s “farewell” scene

  • The way you’ve re-done the Palpatine revalation scene really does make Anakin seem more autonomous

  • I love everything you’ve done with the birth of Vader scene

  • I like what you’ve done with Obi-Wan’s reaction to the security footage

Overall, it’s a damn good edit, and probably the best version of the movie there ever will be without totally overhauling it.

I pretty much agree with all of this, with one exception. The new ending does not work for me. I do like the idea of ending on Vader’s “birth”, but the original ending was so well edited (Vader’s tantrum notwithstanding). This version feels abrupt and a little hacked together, and the music doesn’t quite fit. What I would do is revert back to the original ending, except either use Hal9000’s Vader scream or use l8wrtr’s technique of fading out right after Vader says “yes, master”, skipping the tantrum entirely.

When I get to my version, I’ll probably use the “Padme lives” ending, but I don’t think its necessary for what you’re trying to do.

Another sidenote, it bothers me that there are no ALL CAPS terms in the crawl, since that’s a staple of Star Wars crawls.

EDIT: also, what happened to “I AM the Senate”. I wouldn’t normally propose leaving in a line due to meme status (I agree with the high ground being cut) but I genuinely liked that line.


Finished my first watch. Overall, I loved it! With a little more polish, your edit might replace HAL’s as my definitive ROTS.

I’m going to watch it again and take more specific notes for you - this time was just a “sit back and watch” run, if you will.

General notes: As others have said, the color correction is too contrasty - too much black crush, especially in the opening scenes and a few others (Windu and Anakin before Windu sets off to arrest Palpatine is a good example). Some of the added dialogue is too quiet, and some of the new “interrupts” don’t quite work. The audio seems slightly out of sync at times, too. I’m also not a fan of some of the Artoo stuff you left in the Invisible Hand, and I’m still not sold on the “Roger Roger” bit, but those are personal preference things, not technical feedback.

I love the sequence of events after the rescue of the Chancellor, particularly your placement of the Rise of the Rebellion deleted scenes. I also liked your inclusion of Anakin confessing his dream to Padme, which I didn’t expect.

I, for one, loved the new ending. Personally, I’d cut to black on Vader’s exhale instead of after. Let the exhale SFX play out over black, and after a moment of silence, have the credits fade in.

Oh, and one subtle thing I have to mention that I loved: the spliced in reaction shot of Anakin as Palpatine says “Once more the Sith will rule the galaxy” - it does a great job of showing the conflict still in Anakin at that point.

Overall, amazing work! Just needs a bit of polish to be perfect.

Oh, and thank you for cutting “I have the high ground!” Always hated that.


Just finished watching the cur. Overall as well, I enjoyed it. I think it just needs some more polish and shine to make it fabulous. A good alternative to Hal’s version. His would be more movie trilogy … yours would be connecting the clone wars to it. I list below my views from what I have watched. I have + and - to indicate good things and “bad” things. (at least things that need to be corrected/polished)

Sorry its long winded, but I really cared about what you did!

++ Good cutting choices during the space battle. No more dumb dialogue that makes Anakin seem not component. Like Hal’s edit, good moves man.

++ Since your edit is more clone wars, including dried scenes was fine to me since that was your intent. I liked the replaced voices so they weren’t so high-pitched and irritating.

++ I LOVED the “roger roger” from Anakin and Obi wan. Very fitting with their characters and close friendship from Clone Wars. Why that was not in the original release … oh well. Good call!

– Cant understand dialogue getting out of elevator to doku. gibberish. I turned it up a bit but I still could not understand it.

– both Anakin and Obi Wan’s “councelor” echoes. Very awkward. I would keep it to Obi wan saying chancellor and anakin saying are you ok? You can have Anakin talking over Obi wan toward the end IF possible.

++ Thanks for removing the “twice as powerful” line.

+/- You made good editing choices to make the “disarm + behead” scene to removal the dialogue. One clean swoop. If there was a way to make it one smooth and quick execution, I think it would flow better since the dialogue has been removed from the theatrical. I doubt it could be done, but if there was a way to do it, I think that would look better.

++ Removal of the bridge scene between Grevious and his crew about leveling out the ship. I think it worked without it, it kept the focus on Anakin and Crew without jumping around. Granted, those scenes weren’t too distracting or anything, so having it or not having it works both ways to me.

++ Good editing on Ray-Shield scene. Again, helped make Anakin be competent and helped make the droids not so annoyingly high pitched.

+/- Not sure about the ships “helping” Anakin land scene voice change. I don’t think they were necessarily clones in the original release. The voice is different enough from the “original” clone voice in the movie. I think the regular dialogue flows better. Maybe if there was a way to add some effects to the voice so its not so clear and crisp it would help that. Since again, I know your wanting to link Clone Wars with this movie. Distort the voice a bit and it would sound better. At least to me personally.

++ Good on the removal of “no excuses” Obi wan and Anakin are close, no need for that line.

++ Nice editing on Palps reassuring Anaking about him being on the Jedi Counil giving reason why he would be on master council. Nice!

++ Good editing on master council with Anakin. Having Obi Wan give his scowl at the beginning, when Anakin was bursting out instead of the end was much better. Great!

++ Smart choice adding deleted scene about senates talking about “the mess” with Republic.

– Kind of awkward transition during anakin and obi wan speech. May need some polishing since there was some obvious cutting. Again it helps the relationship … just a bit unpolished. Not sure how to smooth it out.

++ Like the chuckle at begining of Anakin and Padme scene. Adds softness to him, which is good.

– The talking over part between Padme and Anakin needs some polishing. It doesn’t sound/feel right. I think he voice goes to soft. Granted Anakin’s voice would be stronger than hers but her line goes mute. That part did feel awkward in general. That part does need some polishing if possible. If not … I would leave it the original way.

++ Adding Hayden’s “No No No No” was a good touch.

– Adding General skywalker as he walks in the box suite at the opera was a bit … hmmmm out of nowhere since no one was really looking at him and sounded very dubbed over. It’s too awkward to me. Granted I know you want to add more dialogue that flows from the Clone Wars … but it was a bit much.

++ Nice edit with anakin saying obi wan instead of master at “the docks.” None of that constant master stuff was so tire some.

+/- Intresting re use of the scene Anakin talks to Anakin about his dream earlier at that time. Interesting. It gives a reason why Anakin didn’t open up to her at first, which flowed well from the scene “of 2000.” I am ok with it.

++ Thanks for removing the previous training scene dialogue from Grevious. Not needed since they fought so many times in the Clone Wars!

+/- Not bad edits with Anakin and Palpatine convo/reveal … not sure based on your edits if some parts can be smoothed out. It was obvious there were cuts, so if there was a way to remove it. That would be good!

+/- The beginning Dialogue between Anakin and Obi wan before the duel had good cutting decisions. There was still a bit of a slight awkwardness to it since there were obvious cuts. If there was a way to polish that, I think it would work well. I did like some of the “no responses” to Anakin. Made him sound less stupid-evil.

++ Good cuts on saber battle. Also removal of high ground.

++ I did like what you did about the babies being born and sent out. It was done pretty well. Granted, it was a very different style from this movie, and the other ones, but I understand why you did that. Because the voice over was going over multiple scenes, it helped it justified the jumping around. Worked well!

++ The ending scene with Vader. It is very satisfying way to end it. I do also like Chainshawash’s suggestion about the scene goes black before he exhales. Black scene for a few seconds, then credits. I would highly suggest trying that and maybe making a clip for us to see?

So wrap up - All in all great. I do agree about the coloring, very dark and contrasty. Most of my “negative” comments are about polishing, which some is possible and maybe others are not possible. I do think the removal of the line “Anakin Skywalker” is too much of a dub over and is distracting. For removing and element, I think its that one.

“Because you are a PalpaWalker?”


Anakin feels like a completely different character in every movie and TCW. The fact that his voice in TCW is completely different does him no favors in this department. If possible, I’d like to get a Matt Lanter soundalike to dub him over for. Plus, it would give me an opportunity to fix his more atrocious lines (mainly in AotC), or improve the good ones. Given the nature of your edit, I figured this would be something you could get behind.


Honestly, even with Hayden’s very different voice, NFB’s edit makes ROTS Anakin feel so much more like Lanter’s Anakin. While a redub would be cool, this edit gets like 80% of the way there without redubbing at all.


ChainsawAsh said:

Honestly, even with Hayden’s very different voice, NFB’s edit makes ROTS Anakin feel so much more like Lanter’s Anakin. While a redub would be cool, this edit gets like 80% of the way there without redubbing at all.

Agreed. Placing my post here, will edit for a full review soon, but I wanted to say that I 100% feel this statement. Just in the way it’s all rearranged, I actually LIKED Hayden’s Anakin and he felt a lot more believable and closer to how TCW portrayed him.

EDIT: Okay, so, I do have several strong opinions on certain scenes and what I believe can and don’t really work. I haven’t read through the entire thread so if the same points were raised by others, just consider them moot. I will try to be as detailed as possible. This is where the fun begins…

(00:00:28-00:01:45 - The crawl has a couple of typos and capitalizations that are just off. I’m sure a lot of them were pointed out before but for the sake of completion: Sith is probably supposed to be capitalized, Separatist is spelled wrong, the line ‘Republic capital Coruscant’ should probably be changed to ‘Republic capital of Coruscant’, and I’m sure there are several things that need all-caps (like Anakin and Obi-Wan’s names, for example) but overall, it’s a fine crawl that could just use some tweaking.

(00:03:08-00:04:20 - Just a minor thing but I love every instance where ‘Master’ is changed to ‘Obi-Wan’ in this edit. It flows so well together, I hardly even notice when it’s changed! As well as this, most of this entire opening sequence is beautifully edited and most of the cuts are integrated extremely well for the most part. I’m not really sure how I feel about Anakin’s added excited yell after missing the missiles as it makes him seem like he hasn’t done this a billion times before, but I can’t deny that any added enthusiasm to Hayden’s performance is extremely welcome. 😃

(00:04:20-00:04:30 - While I understand the desire to make Obi-Wan appear as less of a stick in the mud, I feel like his added 'No, no, no, no’s flow better with the scene instead of a direct cut between his line, ‘Alright, R4…’ to ‘Nothing too fancy!’ If you can make it work better in future, that’d be great. Otherwise, I’d suggest just leaving it in as it gets across Obi’s lack of thrill from extreme flying without having to include his ‘Flying is for droids’ line which I hate.

(00:05:26-00:06:00 - Following up on the above, the ‘Hold your fire’ and ‘I agree, bad idea’ exchange plays off more like banter than Obi-Wan acting the mentor and criticizing Anakin. As well, the ‘You’re going to get us both killed!’ line comes off more as a fearful remark rather than him treating him like a child. I do agree about cutting Obi-Wan telling Anakin to leave without him as that whole exchange is pointless and we get another scene later where Palpatine tells Anakin to leave him behind, which just makes this feel redundant.

(00:06:48-00:07:10 - I’ve never had too much of an issue with Obi-Wan’s CGI jump from the cockpit or a lot of the antics with the talking and whining battle droids. (After all, they are a staple in the TCW cartoon) However, I do get why you felt the need to trim the scene. The only thing I’d say is make the cut between Anakin taking off his seat belt and them getting to the actual fight should be a little less jarring audio-wise. The SFX kind of cuts abruptly for a split second.

(00:07:23 - Not sure the reasoning behind cutting the scene where they leave R2 behind. It provides a reason for his having a comlink, especially since you left in the comedic sequence with the B2 droids noticing R2 and the subsequent ‘fight’ scene. I suppose it’s not essential, I just fail to see why it was cut.

(00:07:48-00:07:50 - I’m sure people have commented on the ‘Never an elevator when you need one’ line additions. I’m not going to reiterate it but yeah, a lot of them don’t work that well and they’re sprinkled throughout the entire edit.

(00:08:06-00:08:07 - I like the addition of the ‘Roger roger’ deleted scene, even though it’s got an obvious decrease in video quality. Not sure what you could really do to improve that though, so whatever.

(00:08:18-00:08:48 - The ‘No, did you?’ line cut wasn’t really necessary as it adds to the flow of the scene. Along with that, Obi-Wan’s ‘Always on the move’ line is kind of essential for the flow of the story if you’re going to show his face after Anakin jumps up to the top of the elevator. I’d recommend either cutting his reaction or re-adding the line back in, personally.

(00:09:20-00:09:29 - I do like the deepening of the B2 droid voices, as it’s in keeping with TCW’s design choices. Plus, it’s slightly less annoying. lol However, the quick cut of the droids picking R2 up is a little jarring on its own. I do think the droids’ ‘You stupid little astro-droid’ line is kind of dumb so you could either remove it entirely but keep the longer sequence of them picking R2 up or leave it in but deepen the voices. Either would work for me. (or don’t listen to my suggestions. That’s also an option. lol)

(00:09:45 - While the cuts back and forth from R2 to Ani/Obi are kind of jarring, I do like the removal of Anakin’s ‘No loose wire jokes’ line. Number one, I could barely register what he was saying during this scene anyway and two, the comedic effect of Anakin immediately telling Obi-Wan that R2 is ‘trying’ and Obi’s immediate reaction is funny enough on its own. Well done there.

(00:10:23-00:10:24 - The echo of the two saying ‘Chancellor’ at the same time is unnecessary. The original version, I think, was fine. Having Obi be formal towards Palpatine and Anakin acting concerned and informal lets us know what their individual relationships are like.

(00:10:36-00:10:43 - While Palpatine’s line of, ‘Get help, you’re no match for him’ is kind of stupid in context with TCW since he knows they’ve fought Dooku several times throughout the series, (at least once directly in front of him, as well) I do like Obi-Wan’s ‘Sith Lords are our speciality.’ line, despite how goofy it is. Plus, having that quick exchange makes the scene flow a little better than immediately cutting from the two silently staring at Dooku and then just taking off their coats and getting to the next scene. Not to mention, it further emphasizes how used to this entire war Anakin and Obi-Wan have become that they can make jokes even about fighting the Count, who in the last movie, they got seriously screwed by.

(00:10:58-00:10:59 - Cutting the ridiculous chit-chat between Anakin and Dooku during this battle was smart. Too much of it implied that they hadn’t faced each other since Episode II, which is just patently untrue now thanks to TCW. Plus, it’s just more cringey dialogue from Hayden, anyway. :p

(00:11:20-00:11:21 - It’s not listed in your list of changes, but I noticed you cut out Palpatine’s reaction to Obi slicing up the super battle droids. Any reason why? It’s a strange addition, I’ll admit, but it fits a lot better than just cutting from him slicing the droids to then attacking Dooku again. Unless you can smooth that transition a little better, that is.

(00:11:46-00:11:52 - I love, love, LOVE your idea to alter Dooku’s dialogue to him saying, ‘You have hate, you have anger. Use them.’ instead of him telling Anakin that he DOESN’T use them for whatever reason. However, I feel like this change actually requires for him to say that he senses great fear in him first. That way he’s saying ‘I sense great fear in you, you’re holding back from using that anger and hate inside of you.’

(00:12:13-00:12:17 - This was part of Hal’s edit, too and I see no problem with it here, either. Anakin beheading Dooku of his own accord just makes more sense for his character and gives him more initiative instead of having to be pushed by Palpatine on everything.

(00:12:29-00:12:42 - Cutting Anakin’s, ‘Yes, but he was an unarmed prisoner…’ line and cutting directly to him freeing Palpatine is another jarring edit. As well, omitting Palpatine’s mention of the Sand People slaughter is also very jarring and I can’t see a reason for it’s removal, either.

(00:13:00-00:13:01 - The line, ‘His fate will be the same as ours.’ is a nice closure to the entire scene, not only from an editing perspective, but a character one. Anakin went so far as to give into his emotions and murder Dooku, but he refuses to leave Obi-Wan behind even if it jeopardizes their escape from the ship. His resolute response to Palpatine makes him seem much more confident.

(00:14:19 - Cutting Anakin’s ‘Oops’ is smart. The ‘Easy…’ line was fine, though. Why was that removed?

(00:15:53-00:15:54 - I like the addition of Grievous calling Anakin ‘General Skywalker’. I’m also not sure if Grievous called Obi-Wan the Negotiator in the original movie, but if he didn’t and you added it, I like that also. 😃

For the most part, the Grievous battle scene on the bridge works pretty well overall. No complaints there. lol I really do hope I’m not coming off as a purist for suggesting so many things stay in, it’s just simply how I feel.

(00:17:24-00:17:26 - Moving Grievous’s, ‘Time to abandon ship.’ line was also smart. Much better placement for it over ‘YOU LOSE, JEDI SCUM’ which is just…blegh. Plus, cutting to Grievous earlier in the fight saying, ‘Time to abandon ship’ to HIMSELF and then having them catch up with him by the window anyway is just really weird editing so I like this change.

(00:17:54-00:17-58 - Removing Grievous’s scene where he launches all the escape pods just makes the escape pods appear like they’re launching randomly. We can assume Grievous launched them, but it’s a wild guess on the audience’s part and never brought up by the characters. I’m okay with it being cut, but it makes sense to leave it in, as well.

(00:18:32-00:18:34 - Cutting Obi-Wan’s, ‘Not to worry…’ is pointless and defeats the purpose of the joke, imo. Removing Anakin’s, ‘Now we’re really picking up speed!’ line is fine, though, as it’s just too cringey for me. lol

(00:19:19-00:19:21 - I like the change of the firefighter clone’s line and it’s nice to hear Dee Bradley Baker’s clone voice in this edit. However, I do have to wonder how they knew it was Skywalker crashing down, though I suppose it adds to it that the clones would know that if anybody was going to land half of a Separatist capital ship down on the planet, it would have to be Anakin. 😉

(00:19:25-00:19:27 - Now, here’s something I’d actually advocate the removal of! Anakin’s, ‘We’re coming in too HOT!’ line is just poorly acted by Hayden and honestly, kind of dumb, especially after the ship was literally just blasted with water by the firefighter ships earlier.

(00:20:26-00:20:27 - I like the change to the more informal line by Anakin when addressing Obi-Wan. It sounds a little confrontational (probably because it was taken from another source.) but I like anything that makes Anakin appear less rigid around Obi and any removal of him calling Obi-Wan ‘Master’ in everyday conversation is welcome in my book. Anakin’s usage of the title Master at this stage in their relationship should be used only as an affectionate name he gives out during touching moments. (Like their last conversation before Utapau.)

(00:20:39 - I actually don’t mind Obi-Wan’s retelling of what just transpired to impress upon Anakin his value during the mission over his own. Plus, the cut to him with his hand already outstretched is a bit jarring. Very minor, but worth pointing out in the interest of keeping a consistent flow to the film.

(00:20:47-00:20:48 - I wasn’t sure if I would, but I love how seamlessly you integrated Obi-Wan’s cutting Anakin off to say ‘Ninth time.’ Really well done!

(00:20:59 - I know Jar Jar is Jar Jar but he has no lines and his presence is expected at this point. Cutting any scene with him kind of there ruins the flow from the Obi/Anakin scene to the Palpatine/Mace/senators scene. He’s just a background character in this movie, guys. I get limiting him in episodes 1 and 2 but here, it’s a little excessive. 😕

(00:21:29 - Love the addition of Bail’s, ‘General Skywalker!’ line. In the original movie, his interaction with Bail was kind of sudden. I forget everytime that he’s actually talking with him while they’re walking because they don’t really give a good indication and it immediately cuts to 3P0 and R2. Good job!

(00:22:00-00:23:15 - Anakin and Padme’s scene is in such an awkward place. They’re literally feet from the other senators in a very, VERY public place. This isn’t nitpicking the edit, just the movie itself. lol Aside from that, I love everything you did with this reunion scene. Anakin is no longer creepy and the scene has just the right tone to indicate the complicated mix of feelings going on. Love it love it love it.

(00:23:30-00:24:11 - Not sure if it’s just me, but Anakin’s ‘Hey.’ could be upped a little higher audio-wise. Good addition, though. Removing Anakin’s ‘I have no excuse.’ is also good. He shouldn’t have to explain himself to Obi-Wan like he’s still his apprentice. I’m ambivalent on removing Anakin’s ‘Is that bad?’ line. I believe it’s harmless enough on its own but I do get why it’s been cut. Cutting his next, ‘That’s unusual, ISN’T IT?’ line was smart, though. He’s been a Jedi long enough to know how things work.

(00:24:22-00:24:28 - LOVE the addition of Anakin’s line right before the main conversation between him and Palpatine. Before, they both seemed like they were just walking silently in his office for no reason before they suddenly realized the camera was one and needed to say their lines. lol

(00:24:56-00:24:57 - Hayden’s acting is terribad during his, ‘Me? A master?’ constipated face ‘I am overwhelmed, sir.’ Really, for being told such a huge thing like that, he takes it like someone just told him his Zoloft medicine came in from the pharmacy, which just makes his petulant outburst in the Council chambers later seem all the more dissonant with his overall view on everything. So, I think cutting his ‘I’m overwhelmed, sir.’ line is good as it’s just awful execution. I could stand to have him say, ‘Me? A master?’ just to lengthen the shot focusing on his face a little longer so that the cut to him walking down the stairs isn’t so abrupt.

(00:25:04-00:25:10 - Replacing Palpatine’s dialogue at the end was smart and his last words, ‘And you saved my life.’ really go with the more powerful orchestral music leading into the next scene. I just think it should be a little better timed so that last line, ‘you saved my life.’ has more impact and isn’t overshadowed by the score transition.

(00:25:53-00:25:54 - Obi-Wan’s surprised reaction ‘Arrested?’ at Mace I think is not completely necessary, but I see nothing wrong with it. Mace has made a pretty important statement that could bear repeating. I’m not too attached to the line, though.

(00:26:18-00:26:33 - I like Obi-Wan shaking his head at the first thing Anakin says as a way to let him know up front that he needs to stop. The next cut, however, showing the two other masters beside him creates a continuity error where Obi-Wan is facing AWAY from Anakin and turning his head back around. Cutting Anakin’s whining, ‘IT’S OUTRAGEOUS! ITS UNFAIR!’ is good and even though I know him saying master again after asking, ‘How can you be on the council and not be a master?’ when addressing Mace is redundant but cutting his line off at just, ‘Forgive me.’ is a little jarring. That could be fixed with more editing though, who knows.

(00:28:39-00:28:51 - I love the way you started with Obi-Wan speaking after the Council scene instead of Anakin, though I could actually stand to hear him complain even a little bit. Not really that important, though. The problems mostly come through in the rough cuts. Flowing Obi-Wan’s conversation points into a speech is a great idea, it just gets ruined a little bit when you have one shot of Obi-Wan and Anakin stopped and facing each other and the very next cut, with no break in Obi-Wan’s voice, they’re in the middle of walking through the hallway. It’s quite an abrupt change of pace.

(00:28:56-00:28:57 - I’m also not sure why you cut Obi-Wan’s line, ‘Anakin I am on your side I didn’t want to put you into this situation’ and Anakin’s, ‘What situation?’ exchange. I thought it worked well enough, even if a bit redundant. Cutting it just causes an awkward pause that doesn’t really fit the scene, it’s just kind of there. Everything else is great imo though, just could use some tweaking.

(00:30:06-00:30:09 - I’m not against cutting Mace’s ‘I don’t think the boy can handle it.’ line, even though I don’t hate it, either. There is a slight editing hiccup after the shot of Yoda rubbing his head though before going back to the shot of Mace saying, ‘I don’t trust him.’

EDIT #3 Still a WIP


I agree as well. A MUCH better Anakin. There just needs to be a bit more polishing on some scenes, mainly audio and this will be good to go!

“Because you are a PalpaWalker?”


Could anyone PM me a link to either 720p or 1080p version? I’ve been lurking in this thread since April, and now that’s it’s finished I’d like to watch it but OP isn’t replying…