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Post #1108129

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Date created
15-Sep-2017, 1:51 AM

trimboNZ said:

nhoj3 said:

First time trying to post an image, so please forgive me if it takes a few attempts. I found this concept art for DS1 (Episode III) that I found interesting. I thought that visually it was different enough to separate itself from DS1 (as seen in Episode IV) while still eventually being in the same class of super weapon. Being in an early stage it also helps quell the argument that the Empire couldn’t have built it in the allotted time.


I’m not sure if there’s appetite to replace the iconic DS2 silhouette, but thought that it was at least worth considering.

I think it would be a bad idea to mess with the silhouette, but since we’ve never seen the reverse side of it, there’s a lot of room for creativity there, and that image you posted could still serve as inspiration for additional shots. The DS2 could still be mostly hollow for all we know - only the reactor and the path to it are known to be closed in.

Yeah, while I’d say it is a worthwhile suggestion to consider having a less complete version of the Death Star II (or something entirely new besides another DS, for that matter), the one that we know should remain - it is too iconic. I would love to see varying perspectives/sides of the DS, though. But I am very curious, if Ady were to attempt that, how might he go about it? Would this merit the use of CGI? Photoshop? If only one had access to that original model… It still baffles me that the model creators went through the hard work of creating that entire DS and yet all they filmed were shots from, pretty much, just the one angle.