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Post #1107245

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Terminator films
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Date created
12-Sep-2017, 3:32 PM

Why can’t they just leave films as they originally made them?

Don’t add cgi.

Don’t change lighting/color.

Don’t add new scenes.

The only thing I agree with is cleaning the image and getting rid dirt and things that weren’t originally there.

Or at least keep the original version along with the altered version.

“Part of this is that the image has been made bright to account for the substantial light-loss caused by darkened 3D glasses, and further it would always occur when you’re restoring a nearly three-decade old film” Sorry. I think so. I don’t think restoration requires the changing of light and color, unless it is to get it back to what it was when the movie was originally released. Somehow, I don’t think T2 has been around long enough for it to lose its original light and color.